Technically Invisible

EduBlogs Student Blogging Challenge!

Wow, 3 posts in about 15 hours – we’re on a roll!  Students in Room 204 are very excited about the Edublogs Student Blogging Challenge! We’re anxious to get started today…  If you are stopping by to check out our blog — -Welcome!!

You’ll find our ABOUT page listed on the right hand side of this window.  Check it out!

Some questions for YOU:

1. Where is your school located?

2. What grade level and/or ages are you?

3. How many students in your class/grade/school?

4. What do your students enjoy about life in school?

5. What fun projects are you working on this year?

Feel free to share anything else you’d like to add.  We’re excited to have visitors, and we’re even MORE excited to travel the world, peeking into other classrooms!
Bon Voyage!
Mrs. Brooks’ Spectacular Third Graders

We got the idea for this activity from Student Challenge Blog March 2012

7 thoughts on “EduBlogs Student Blogging Challenge!

  1. Room 15 UHPS

    Hello Third Graders! We are Room 15 from Upper Harbour Primary School in Auckland, NZ. We are Year 3 and 4 which is the same as your grade 2 and 3. We are aged between 6 and 8 but most of us will turn 7, 8 or 9 this year. There are 25 students in our class, 14 girls and 11 boys. There are 411 students at our school and there are 6 Year 3&4 classes with a total of 158 students. We are part of the Tipa Community which has our class, another Year 3&4 class and a Year 5&6 class. We also have an empty class in our block which is used by the students learning English and the Little Sponges (those children about to turn 5!) We love doing Art on Thursdays, getting tokens for good behaviour, learning, the big playground just outside our classroom, a really nice teacher, Circle Time, dancing on Wednesdays (last week we learnt the Highland Fling and Hip Hop!). Our school opened in 2006 and we are surrounded by houses, trees and native bush. There is a pond down behind our school. The ducks sometimes come up to the school and even sneak in to our classrooms! At the moment we are learning all about community because we have changed the layout of our school this year. Soon we will come up with a new name and logo for our community.
    We would like to know what pets the students in your class have – we are learning about graphs at the moment and we could compare your data with ours. Also, do you have any sand on your windowsill from New Zealand?

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi There Room 15!

      Thank you for responding on our blog! We are all giggling at the thought of having ducks waddling into our classroom. We do have classrooms on the bottom level, but the doors are never opened, so we can’t have that happen :(.

      As a law, we are not allowed to have pets in the classroom – but every year we are allowed to have anoles in our classroom for a couple of weeks to study food chains and food webs. They will be arriving sometime this month.

      Mrs. Brooks’ Beach Museum does not have any sand at all from New Zealand – they are all from the United States, Bahamas, Bermuda, Mexico, Hawaii and Canada… There’s always room for more!

      We’d love to do some graphing with you. Our math program covers it a bit later in the year, but we can do it at any point for some practice!

      Thank you for such a nice, long comment – we enjoyed reading it and learning more about life in your classroom!

      Dream Big,
      Mrs. Brooks & her Happy Third Graders

  2. 34B

    Hi grade 3’s

    How is your life over there? We are grade 3 and 4 students from Frankston, Victoria, Australia. We are between 8 and 10 years old (except our teacher of course who is much older!).

    We are just starting a new topic to learn about Australia, its flags and emblems.

    Thanks for visiting our site. We love yours.

    See you 3/4B

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi 34B! Australia! How fun is that?!? We study Massachusetts in much the same way – flags, geography, history, etc… We’re studying the American Revolution right now.

      Dream BIG!
      Mrs. Brooks & her Chatty Third Graders

  3. Mrs. Heckstetter

    Hello, I am typing for my students who are at home today because the teachers are working on report cards. I would like to answer your questions and then tell you a little more about our school:

    1. Where is your school located? We are located in Hazelwood, Missouri.

    2. What grade level and/or ages are you? We are a fourth grade classroom full of 9 and 10-year-olds.

    3. How many students in your class/grade/school? We have 21 students in our classroom. We have a total of 3 fourth grade classrooms (65 students total). Our building population is right around 350.

    4. What do your students enjoy about life in school? I think my students would say they enjoy reading our current chapter book “The Cricket in Times Square”, p.e., recess, studying the anoles in our classroom (we noticed that you are also getting ready to study anoles), and our upcoming field trip to our state capital. We are learning about the history of our state and get to travel in charter buses to watch the legislation in session.

    5. What fun projects are you working on this year? We just finished a plant variable project where groups of students chose one of the basic needs of plants to test. We had some groups placing plants in refrigerators to test temperature, watering with soda to test water, planting seeds very close together to test spacing, etc. You can see our slide shows showing the results at our blog: We are also begininning to study famous Missourians and will create a “Living Museum” where we dress up as our Missourians and share our life stories with visitors.

    Our fourth grade classrooms “switch” between the three fourth grade teachers during the day. Our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Heckstetter, teacher us reading and science. We have another teacher who teaches us social studies and writing. The third teacher teaches us math. We get 15 minutes for lunch every day and 15 minutes for recess. We also have 50 minutes daily of either p.e., library, art, or music. Our school day begins at 8:50 and we dismiss at 4:00. We would love to hear more about your classroom.

  4. Casey

    OMG Mrs.Brooks if u go on the eagle cam theres a eagle in the nest! I totally forgot about them! u can hear the other birds around them! it is so COOL!!!!!!
    Love, Casey!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Casey – can you believe it has been a year already??? So exciting that we’ll be able to watch all over again. Thanks for the reminder, my friend!
      Mrs. Brooks

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