“Always do what you are afraid to do.” ~Emerson
This past week I was lucky enough to spend two days at MassCUE – the Massachusetts Computer-Using Educators fall conference. With record breaking attendance of over 2,200 people, it was an opportunity to learn more ways better mix technology and education.
Back in the spring I submitted a proposal to present my annual Technically Invisible workshop. My workshop is like a buffet for those looking for technology integration ideas. I speed through at least 20 topics in one hour and participants leave with a sharper focus on their students and an inspired attitude towards technology.
About a month ago, the folks at MassCUE also invited me to prepare an Ignite presentation. An Ignite is a 5-minute fast-paced performance where speakers deliver an inspired message. They are allowed 20 slides which advance automatically every 15 seconds. I have done two other Ignite presentations (link), so I agreed to give another one a try. I spent hours and hours preparing. Though I practiced and practiced and practiced, I have to admit I was still terrified when my turn came. Terrified! Sigh. Why do I do this to myself??
I believe these anxiety-producing presentations are good for me for many reasons… I stretch & challenge myself as a learner. I go beyond my expectations of what I believe I can do. I am reminded of how fear can get in the way of learning for my students. I appreciate the courage they put forth when they are challenged, worried or fearful. The mistakes in my presentations remind me I am very, very human. Those mistakes drive me to work harder each time I attempt another presentation.
My students will be putting forth courage in many ways this year. They will be required to power through challenges while remaining positive. I look forward to supporting them as they reach beyond their own expectations.
Dream Big,
🙂 Halloween parade is Thursday, followed by a day of Pumpkin Math. If you can send in a pumpkin, we’d LOVE that. I’ll send it home hollowed out if that’s okay.
🙂 Plimoth Plantation $ is due this Friday for students & chaperones.
🙂 I never sent home book orders last week! ha ha. I’ll get on that.