Technically Invisible

Fun-Filled Days

With Camp-Read-A-Lot one day away, we had lots of work that needed doing on Thursday.  We finished up our lessons in Unit 2 in Reading Street, wrapped up our second personal narrative in Writing Workshop, traveled to another “region” to learn about our final Native tribe, and participated in our first All-School Meeting.  Keeping a lid on a bubbling pot isn’t easy, but all of us know how important our work is.

As if those activities weren’t fun enough – we also enjoyed some more music and videos this morning.  We watched Interplanet Janet on Schoolhouse Rock! during our morning routine – and you should hear these kids sing!! We made our way through our first week on “Tricky” in SmartMoves.  I also showed students a video from PS22 in New York – I wanted them to see how positive attitude and high effort can pay off in such amazing ways.  This is the video we watched:

Later, at our All-School Meeting, some teachers headed to the stage to teach everyone a dance – what fun we had!!

And now, are you ready??          Bring on Camp-Read-A-Lot!!!!

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