Technically Invisible

Green, Yellow, Red and Blue

Our class is using a behavior management system that is new this year!  Though your child can explain it far better than I can, I will try to do so here….

Each student has a pouch on the bulletin board. (pics on the blog!) The card in the pouch is always green if they are “On Target”.  “On Target” behavior is equal to a “3” or “4” on the report card in the Social Skills and Work Habits section.

If behavior is off-target, or falls below a “3”, then the student will receive a Yellow Card.  The yellow card is a reminder to use caution and think about their next steps. In most cases, students learn to turn around their behavior and make better choices.

A Red Card is the next step.  Students who receive a Red Card are usually already on yellow, and continue to make choices that are off-target.  Behavior of this type is a “2” or a “1” on the report card.  A Red Card is equal to 5 minutes of lost Fun Friday Free Time.  I do not take away recess, but I will take away Fun Friday, as that is an earned reward.  Once a student receives a Red Card, their card goes right back to Green, and they have the chance to start over.

If a student receives 5 Red Cards in one week, they will receive the Dreaded Blue Card.  The Blue Card represents a total loss of Fun Friday Free Time, and a note home, with all the red cards attached, which must be signed by an adult.

This  “system” begs the question… Does Mrs. Brooks keep track of all the Red Cards?  Oh yes!  I number, date and write the infraction on each of them.  I file them all away, so parents are welcome to request them at any time.

A HUGE thank you to both the Donators and Volunteers this past Friday for Halloween.  We had all we needed, and many capable hands helping our students enjoy the exciting, yet learning-filled day.  I am one lucky teacher!!

Next Wed is our trip to Plimoth Plantation. PLEASE send in  notice & payment ASAP if your child will order a school bag lunch…  If the weather looks iffy, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately!  I can’t wait!!!

Dream Big,

Mrs. Brooks

6 thoughts on “Green, Yellow, Red and Blue

  1. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Alexis! I like the games on there, too – if you find any others, let me know and I’ll check them out and then possibly add them to the list!

    See you tomorrow – have fun!
    Mrs. Brooks

  2. Isabella

    Dear Mrs. Brooks, 11/03/10

    I played state a state! Matt got 10 out of 10! Mom got 7 out of 10!
    I got 7 out of 10! My family and I love family game night and the games that you put on the blog! I can’t wait to play FAMILY GAME NIGHT again!!


  3. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, how are you doing today?? Scobby, dobby doo!!!!!!!!
    During indoors resses I went to Mrs. Horton where I can see Angelina N. every rainy days!!!!

  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi J-Boy!

    Scooby Dooby to You Tooby!

    I’m doing well – watching Tarzan with Carson and Mr. Brooks. I love that movie…

    I bet you are going really look forward to rainy recess days, huh?

    Ruby & Isabelle stopped by today after their recess because they had made me a poster for my room. It was very cool.

    Have a super night!!
    Mrs. Brooks

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