Technically Invisible

Imagine Whirled Peace!!!!

Today was International Peace Day – and we decided as a school to participate in Pinwheels for Peace.  Each child at Mullen created a pinwheel during the past week.  Pinwheels were decorated with wishes for peace at school.  Today, we met as an entire community and planted all 500+ pinwheels around the flagpole….

Take a peek at the pics, and then scroll down to see the surprise performance we all enjoyed after recess!!!
We are SOOOOOO Lucky!!!!!

Our classroom sign....

Our classroom sign....

Peace on our mind....

Peace on our mind....

Atop our classroom sign.....

Atop our classroom sign.....

Waiting for it all to start....

Waiting for it all to start....

Pinwheel Pals

Pinwheel Pals

Is that sun BRIGHT, or WHAT?????

Is that sun BRIGHT, or WHAT?????

Sign Holders :O)

Sign Holders :O)

500 pinwheels, planted by kids -- one. by. one.

500 pinwheels, planted by kids -- one. by. one.

All Colors

All Colors

Each with a message for Hope at School......

Each with a message for Hope at School......

Left where the wind will carry the message far and wide....

Left where the wind will carry the message far and wide....

For ALL to hear!!!!

For ALL to hear!!!!

If that day of excitement wasn’t enough…. We were treated to a Skype performance by Mrs. Langmead in a celebration of Constitution Day – watch the video HERE:



6 thoughts on “Imagine Whirled Peace!!!!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Brianna! I think it was great! The pictures came out super – but I’m not sure why they aren’t showing up on our blog site tonight?? Crazy technology stuff!

      Did you enjoy Pinwheels for Peace??? All of those colors were beautiful :O).

      See you tomorrow!!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  1. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, today is rainy and yuky day today so make sure that
    you stop by in Ms. Tabaracci’s room every rainy days. so I’ve had to
    go to the doctor’s today for a regulr apointment for a check up today and my mom will be driving to school today after my apointment
    this moning so to day I change it to piano every Monday insted of every thursdays……..

    Love jonathan

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    You’re welcome Dana! I’ll have it on the blog this weekend!!

    It was nice seeing you both last night,

    Take care,

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