Technically Invisible

It Was a Fun Friday!

We headed to the Computer Lab this morning so that we could write to Michael Albert, who left a comment on our blog.  Mrs. Brooks had a whole lesson planned.  But, little did I know that the network wouldn’t cooperate.

So, what’s a teacher to do, when it’s Friday and we’ve worked hard all week?? I did something I’ve never done before… I let the students loose on Photo Booth.  For those who are unfamiliar with Photo Booth on the Mac – it’s just like the booths at the mall where you sit inside, and the camera takes all kinds of pictures of you.  On the Mac, the kids can change the backgrounds, the effects, and even record video.

We giggled more today than any class rightfully should.  Kids were helping kids, and I learned a few new things about the program in the process.  I guess Michael Albert will have to wait until next week.  Somehow, I think he’d approve of our fun-filled learning today…

Here’s the video:  CLICK HERE (Students call me Mom pretty often – but I’ve never caught it on tape before.)  I love my job!!!

Here’s a picture of Carson and I on Photo Booth last year:


2 thoughts on “It Was a Fun Friday!

  1. Mrs. Peterson

    Isn’t it great how sometimes, when things don’t go your way, new opportunities arise? Looks like you had a lots of fun exploring Photo Booth. You’re fortunate to have a great teacher!

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