Technically Invisible

Life is a Learning Curve: Buckle Up!!

Hi Friends!  As I sit here reflecting on our first experience as Web Broadcasters – I feel I have to write about it…

So write about it; I shall!

Just to fill you in – we tried our first Live Webcast today at school.  Up to this point, we had planned out our roles and responsibilities, assembled materials, did some test runs, set up the “studio” over an hour ahead, etc… We planned and planned and planned and planned; until we could plan no more.

The kids came in, sat down, and I hit “GO LIVE!!!!”  We grabbed the mic, started teaching, and it was Wonderfully Wonderful.  Amazingly Amazing.  Inspiringly Inspiring….  you get the picture…

Then I glanced at my computer screen.

There were 29 patient viewers out there typing about how they were still waiting to see us.  WAITING?  Huh?  I thought we were LIVE???!!!?  Instant panic welled up in me as I realized with complete terror that the computer had frozen.  So, after a re-boot and hitting “GO LIVE!!” again, we were up and running…

Thing is?  We had already taught for 15 minutes.  🙁 We were able to salvage 8 or so minutes of singing, and very little learning.

But did we learn anything??


🙂 We learned that the first time you try something, it might not go as expected.

🙂 We learned that the best laid plans are not always a guarantee to reach your destination.

🙂 We learned that technology can be unreliable.

🙂 We learned that an audience can be SUPER patient (THANK YOU!!!!)

🙂 We learned (once again) that it is not about the technology – it’s about the kids.

(And boy, those kids had fun!)

When we arrived back in the classroom, and I got ready to show my students the broadcast on the internet – I admitted to them that I was sad.  🙁 I had a perfect picture in my mind as to how the day would go, and it just didn’t.    So during writing time?  Some of the kids decided to write to me – which I have to share, because it really helped me to put things into perspective…

Well, it was the letters, along with the sight of all of them sitting atop their desks, watching the video, and singing along….  <sigh> I heart school….

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

You are the best.  At least you tried, that’s all that matters.

Love,  Kenneth

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

That was the funnest thing in my life and I was so excited about it.  It was cool.

Love, Jaden

Dear Mrs. Brooks

I’m sorry about that webcast – that stinks.  Well, I hope you get better.  Are you feeling sad, Mrs. Brooks?  Circle the one if you feel better or if you don’t feel better.  YES     or     NO

From, Jacob

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

The webcast was still really good even when you didn’t get the learning part in it.  You did make lots of other videos in the past and those were great!

Love,    Julian

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

I feel sad, too but sometimes things don’t come out how you like them but it is still good!  Have a great day!

Love, Brianna

Dear Mrs. Brooks

It’s okay.  It will happen when you try something new.  It happened to me once.  Don’t feel bad, it happens to everyone.  It’s not like you knew and you were being mean.  I bet tomorrow you’ll feel much better and forget all about it.  Remember, Dream Big!!

Love, Casey

Dear Mrs. Brooks

I am sorry the webcast did not go the way you wanted.  Sometimes things don’t go the way you want.  Hope you feel better about it, sorry. 🙁

Love, Leah ——      PS: Cheer up! 🙂

Dear Mrs. Brooks

I feel sorry that the webcast didn’t go the way you wanted it to.  I too wish it would have worked.  Even if you’re a perfectionist sometimes it doesn’t work.  Like when I started dance I thought I would be good at it.  But, I was good as I got the hang of it.

Sincerely, Alexis

Dear Mrs. Brooks

I think you did a awesome job even though it didn’t turn out perfect!  I am sorry you didn’t get to be on the broadcast but if the viewers did see you, I bet they would have loved the broadcast!

Love, Bella

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

I am SOoooooooo  sorry about what happened with the video.  On the otherhand, at least our viewers got to see the BEST part of the webcast.  Right now I can’t think of a way to cheer you up.  Oh! Wait, a joke might help!

“I have arms but can’t touch.  I can be decorated.  Also, I go on top!  What am I?   A SHIRT!

Love, Gracie

How can I NOT love my job?!!!????  My 18 little teachers inspire me so much every day.  Thank you 3rd grade teachers, 3rd grade students, our amazing online audience, and all my 18 favorites in Room 309.  If you want to see the video, scroll down and you can click the link there. The video is in the library at the bottom of the Webcast page!

Thanks & Love, Mrs. Brooks

PS: a few audience members wondered if the kids could see the text postings as we recorded. They could not. We were using the laptop to record the video and the picture and text were so small (obviously ~ even I didn’t see it until 15 minutes passed…).  It was neat to see the “virtual” waves hello for our 3rd grade friends!!

6 thoughts on “Life is a Learning Curve: Buckle Up!!

  1. Miss Paltz

    Dear Mrs. Brooks and class,
    You have an amazing group of students who have learned to be supportive peace builders! I was so impressed with everyone’s patience and listening skills. Hearing all of our voices together gave me chills! I am very excited to do our next live webcast and I know that it will be even better! What a great life lesson, “practice makes permanent”!

    Thank you Mrs. Brooks for all of your expertise and generosity. We couldn’t do it with out you 🙂

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    And I wouldn’t want to do it without ALL of you, Miss Paltz. Thank you for stopping by our blog and sharing your kind thoughts. I’m a lucky teacher.

  3. taylor hazelton

    Dear Mrs Brooks,
    It is Taylor from your third grade three years ago. How are you I’m fine I like it over at morse pond it’s really kind of challenging for me oh do you rember madison macciny well shes in my class Mr Lundberg is my teacher he is a couch for a basketball team.Mr Lunberg is my ELA teacher. Mr falcone is my math teacher. Mr marvulo AKA Mr M helps out. Mr M is really funny he makes me smile.There is three teachers for gym Mr Tysson is one of the gym teachers. There is different days like A B C D E F Days. I’m eleven years old now. I really miss Mullen-Hall but Mose Pond is fun.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Taylor – thanks for stopping by our blog! 6th grade already? Wow – time flies!! I’m glad to hear you are loving M.P., and you have some super teachers, that’s for sure! Enjoy your classes and work hard – and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, too!

      Big Hugs,
      Mrs. Brooks

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