Technically Invisible

Literacy for Life: Part I

HERE is a link to part II of this project

HERE is a link to Part III of this project

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Meet Eveliina Anderson, who is going to read to us today.


COMPARE/CONTRAST: After watching this video, what can you say is similar about this read aloud to other read aloud stories you’ve experienced?  What is different about it?  Write your ideas in your Reading Journal.


FLUENCY: We have learned a whole BUNCH this year about reading fluency.  Just think of all the skills on our CAFE board! WOW!

Created using Stationery Studio from FableVision

Listen again to Eveliina, while you think about the fluency skills she puts to use.  In your reading journal, write examples of the fluency skills you see her using in the video.


Here’s the BIG NEWS:

Eveliina was only TWO YEARS OLD when this video was created!  That’s right — TWO!
Knowing that, please draw some conclusions about Eveliina and her experiences as a reader, which led her to this book recording.  Consider the following questions:

1.  Do you think she is reading the book?

2. How do you think she was able to memorize the words in the book?

3.  Do you think she enjoys reading?

4. Why do you think she reads with such great fluency?

5. Who do you think reads to Eveliina?

6. When Eveliina starts school, what kind of reader do you think she’ll become?

Computer Lab Today:  I want you to leave a comment on this page, answering the following question:

After watching Eveliina’s video, do you think it is important to read to children when they are very little?  WHY?  What details did you think about today that led you to believe reading to children is important?  Use specific details from the video in your answer.

24 thoughts on “Literacy for Life: Part I

  1. Jasmine

    Dear Mrs.Brooks,
    I think it helps them with thar reading.Also it is a important to read to little kids becaues it helps you with your fluency and the little kid’s fluency.

  2. Jack

    Dear Mrs Brooks,

    I think it is important to read to children. They will not have such a hard time in school with reading and will read at a higher level than the average student.Also with some of the strategies like learning to slow down and stretch out words like in the video if you where to be a teacher you would be really good and the next generations would be really good and also not have a hard time.

    Well bye!

  3. Lily

    Dear Mrs. Brooks,
    I think that it is important that childern get read to when they are really little. I think this because if the person reading to them is fluent when the child listens to the fluent reading they will prabably only know how to fluently read because they grew up listening to a fluent reading. I belive that reading to your child is important because I think that the way Eveliina Anderson learned to read so well and so fluently is because her parents read to her fluently so she only really knew fluent reading. I like how when the time was right Eveliina would ajust and apply different reading rates (speeds) to match the text like when she read the word anything. Also I like how when she read I WANT TO DRIVE THE BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! she ajusted her voice to fit the text.

    Hopeing You Are Well,

  4. Grace

    Dear Mrs. Brooks
    I think it’s important to read to young children because they will learn to be a really strong reader. Also because they might pass on the good times they had reading with their parents. one example of fluency I heard in the video was when she whispered “how ’bout I give you five bucks”.

  5. Elliot

    Dear Mrs.brooks,
    I think that reading to kids is very inportant. If very little kids learn to read,
    when they are older they will read very well. They will also learn to read with more fluency and emotion. Maybe even how to adjust the voleum and stress particular words or phrases. She spoke loud when there was exsplmaion points. She made question marks actuly sound like a real person would ask you. and she wisperd when she said I’ll give you five dollars.

    sinserly Elliot

  6. Mark

    Dear Mrs.Brooks,

    I think it is good to read to little kids so they learn to read well and one day read like an adult. Eveliina is realy good at reading so she was probably read to when she was first born. That’s what I think.

  7. Caitlin

    Dear Mrs Brooks,
    I think it is important to read to little children because they learn how to read from grown ups just like the two year old girl. Then the second thing I notice from other two year olds that they don’t want to read but the little Eveliina wants to read. Eveliina adjusted her rate to match the text. Eveliina uses punctuation on bus,please,vrom,fair.

  8. William

    Dear Mrs.Brooks,

    I think it’s important to read to little ones because having little ones practice fluency when their young,here is an example when their was a question mark her voice went up.I have a sister that is also two.She can read a book that is longer.Sometimes she whispers.

  9. Anonymous

    Dear Mrs.Brooks,

    I think you need to read to a child because the child will get into and allready reconise some words that means he/she will get to read faster and more fluintly. In the video she used punctuation to enhance phrasing when she read “LET ME DRIVE THE BUS!”

  10. Maisie

    Dear Mrs. Brooks,
    I think that Eveliina is memorizing “Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus” because in some parts of the story, she left out some words, and, I think it’s pretty rare to find a two year old that can read, right? I think the reason that Eveliina could memorize the story is because she must have people @ home who read that book to her a lot, and all of it must have gotten stuck in her brain. I think she MUST enjoy reading, because if she doesn’t, then she probably wouldn’t have been able to even DO this project. I think she has great fluency because she must have good role-models to listen for fluency.

  11. Kyle r

    Dear mrs. Brooks
    I think you should read to very little so when there older they be better in school. Eveliina she will be at a higher reading level and I think it is important to read to children.

  12. Paige

    Dear Mrs. Brooks

    Why I think we should read to cildren when they are very little is becuase they can learn how to read with fluency,for example Eveliina used a lot of fluency by stretching words and useing enthusiasium.


  13. Hailee

    Dear Mrs.Brooks
    I think that it is very important to read to children when they are very little. It will make them learn how to have fluency when they learn to read later on.

  14. cam l

    DEAR MRS.brooks
    I think it is inportint to read to children when they are little. it will help them read faster.
    it will help children read better in school.

  15. natalie

    Daer Mrs. Brooks
    I think it is vrey important to read to kids when they are very little. Some example are she adjust and apply different reeading rates (speeds) to mach the text. Another way is used punctuation to enhance phrasing and prosody (rhythm). i think that that is amazing that a two year old can do that .

    love natalie

  16. ronan

    Dear Mrs.Brooks
    I think it’s good to read to todollers because it helps them learn early. So when they go to school they know how to read already . So if you have a todoller teach them things like how to read and write before they go to school they know what there doing. Like the part where she stresses the word ANYTHING!
    And when she makes noises like huhhhhhh when he was sad


  17. Trevor

    Dear Mrs.Brooks

    I think that it’s important to read to children when there very little.An example is she knew when to use punctuation and knew when to stress a word. The only way she learned how to do that is if someone like there mom or dad read to them.

    your student,

  18. Kyle

    Dear Mrs.Brooks

    I think it is important to read books to really little kids. It is good because they might learn how to read at a really early age and to use puntuation.They can also be good readers at school.


    Kyle D

  19. eloise

    Dear Mrs. Brooks

    I think it is important to read to kids when they are very little because when they are older they will be good readers. Reading can help you with everything. If I didn’t know how to read I wouldn’t be able to right this message.Eveliina’s fluency makes the story more fun to listin to.

    Love Eloise

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      You are all so right!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and connections – wait till you see what’s coming NEXT!!

      Mrs. Brooks

  20. Ms. Uppena's Class

    Yes, we think it is important to read to little kids because if they start reading when they are little they will be really good readers when they get older. They may then get a good college career. They will learn how to use fluency. We will make sure that we read to young children. We are going to read Mo Willems books to practice fluency!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Ms. Uppena’s Class!

      Thanks for stopping by our blog and leaving a comment – we are all very excited lately, talking about fluency in early childhood. We will be continuing with a project as the year wraps up in this final trimester. We hope you enjoy the remainder of your school year, and we appreciate your opinion!
      Dream Big,
      Mrs. Brooks and her fluent third graders 🙂

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