Technically Invisible

Many Thanks

As I sat down to plan how I should thank the many volunteers who helped me this year, I was overwhelmed.

I had parents who chaperoned on field trips, parents who drove active third graders in their cars, parents who rode on noisy school buses with us, parents who volunteered to help during parties when the kids were all wound up, parents who came in to offer their expertise for special lessons, parents who wrote wonderful comments on our blog, parents who brought surprises to share, parents who volunteered every week to help kids read, parents who volunteered every week to help kids with math, parents who volunteered every week and never knew what on earth I would have them do, parents who sent in books and materials that supported our lessons, parents who cut out Box Tops for Education, parents who sent in extra pencils, glue sticks, snacks, tissues and pens, parents who supported our teachers during Staff Appreciation week, parents who helped their student finish homework, classwork and projects, parents who tried to keep up with me as I power-walked through town, parents who sent me pictures they had taken of the kids,  parents who made our Arts Alive! lessons a wonderful experience, parents who put countless papers into student mailboxes, parents who sent in heart-warming notes that made my tough days easier, and parents who lent me their children for the some of the best 180 days of my life.

How will I make it through next year without all of you?

Please, everyone, try to come to school on Friday, June 15th at 2:30 so I can show my appreciation for all that you’ve done in support of Room 204.

What’s to Come:

🙂 If you are able to drive for the upcoming field trip (JUNE 8!!!!!), please let me know.  We are closer to having enough drivers – one or two more should do the trick! Yaay!!

🙂 Our Blogoversary was yesterday – there are some comments trickling in – be sure to check them out.

🙂 I emailed everyone an end-of-year survey – I’d really appreciate it if you could fill it out for me. I use the information to inform decisions from year-to-year.

🙂 Your students are having a lot of end-of-year assessments this week. They will be working HARD in school, so it’s Homework Menu all week! 1 Square Per Day.

Stand Tall, Mrs. Brooks

Oh, Mrs. Brooks - NOW what have you done????

Hmmmm…. a video this week?  How about this?

2 thoughts on “Many Thanks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hey there, Ruby!

      Things are moving along so fast lately – end of year stuff!! Hope 5th grade has been awesome for you – and you must be excited for summer, I imagine!?? Any fun plans ahead?

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

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