Technically Invisible

No Guff Week Video

Students and staff at Morse Pond are celebrating No Guff Week in an amazing way – check out this video!!  I am blown away by the amount of cooperation and teamwork it must take to organize such a big project.  They must have had to lean on each other in so many ways to create such an amazing tribute:

6 thoughts on “No Guff Week Video

  1. Jenn

    Thank you so much for sharing this video!! So inspirational! I can’t wait to share it out with my kids and staff members!

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Jenn – I agree – it is very moving. I just shared it with my family (my 3rd time watching it) and I still was all choked up. So wonderful.

    Take care and thanks for stopping by,

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Thanks, Jana! I hope your staff enjoys it as much as we have!! I appreciate your comment 🙂

      Take care,

  3. Maisie & Annie Saganic & Frannie Connolly

    (Annie)AWESOME! Saw lots of pals, and some of the classrooms sure look familiar. (Maisie) I saw a girl from my choir on the video! (Frannie) I LOVED the video.

  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Girls! I’m so glad you enjoyed watching – it was SO nice seeing old friends, and I still cry each time I watch. What a wonderful message our friends at Morse Pond have put forth!

    Mrs. Brooks

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