Technically Invisible

On Being Thankful…

As I navigate my way through Year Six as a teacher, I am continuously impressed with the level of enthusiasm and effort your children bring to the learning process.  These past three months have been a whirlwind of activity, and I have enjoyed every step along the way.  Thank you for entrusting me with the care of your children.  I have grown attached to each of them, and we have all become a tight-knit group.

While you enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday break, take some time out from the harried preparations to enjoy your family.

I will be spending the holiday in Chelmsford at my sister’s farm. We all look forward to seeing the newest animals, and visiting with my nieces and nephew. We will certainly spend some quality time playing games, cooking and laughing together.  My own kids look forward to our annual tradition of painting a Thankful Rock.  We choose a rock from our yard, paint it in harvest colors, and then each of us writes something to express our gratitude.  It then goes back in our garden for the year.  Although the paint eventually fades, we are reminded each year of all that is important to us.

🙂 Tomorrow is CRANBERRY DAY!!! Donations of fresh bags of cranberries are welcome, as are Volunteers! Come in at any point that day to help out!!

Click the Pic to sign up - it's FREE!!

🙂 A few students have reminded me that I offered to connect with them via Skype this year!  Yikes! How do the days fly by so fast?? So, it’s now official – I would love to do some home visits with students & families via Skype, and hope you’re willing to try the same!  My username on Skype is:


Feel free to add me as a contact.  I use this account only for teaching, so if you see me online, feel free to say “hi!” – or send an e-mail and we’ll set up a time to Skype together!

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

PS:  Here’s our latest Science Video — we worked with water jewels to wrap-up our “unit” on Scientific Method.  The kids seem to have the hang of all the steps, now.  As the video text mentions – you can tell that it’s the end of the day, as the kids are chatty.  Science lessons really excite them, and this one was no exception.  Next, we are moving on to Solar System!

Water Jewels with Louise the Computer Cart

Homework this week:

5 thoughts on “On Being Thankful…

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Dana — you can either help in the morning 9:00ish to 11:40 or in the afternoon from 1:30 to the end of the day. I think we have an assembly at the end of the day – so if you can only stay till 2:30/2:40ish, that’s when we’ll be heading to the cafeteria.

      Thank you!!

  1. leah

    Hi Mrs.Brooks
    Guess what i`m spending Thanksgiving at my moms clients house they also have 2 dogs and right now one of them is licking my foot.Well see you on Monday. P.S I went on Wade And Wonderberry at 7:00. I`ll see you on Monday.

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Leah,

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Leah! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. The Wade and Wonderberry song is stuck in my head, now – ha ha….

    Enjoy the puppies and I’ll see you on Monday.

    Mrs. Brooks

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