Technically Invisible

On Plimoth…

As we return from our field trip to Plimoth, there are a few things your children urged me to share with all of you. Plimoth Plantation is a living, breathing museum.  It is an extraordinary place where students used all of their senses to learn about life in 1627.  A video from our trip is up on our blog if you would like to check it out.
We have been visiting Plimoth Plantation website over the past few weeks or so.  One of our favorites is the Online Learning Center.  It is a multimedia, interactive area on their website that helps clarify the details of the First Thanksgiving. Check it out from the homepage.

Another class fave is the Blog area.  We have visited As The Wetu Turns, and My So Called Pilgrim Life, to learn more about what goes on behind-the scenes at this world-renowned living history museum.


Be sure to stop by with your favorite little historian, and check it out!


This Thursday afternoon, the 3rd Grade will be broadcasting LIVE for National Education Week.


at about 1:30ish.  Be prepared to be patient with us– between the fact that there are some required advertisements, and we’ve never done this before – it could be a bumpy ride.  But?  IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!!

Next Tuesday is CRANBERRY DAY!!! I am welcoming donations of bags of Cranberries and Craisins.  Volunteers are welcome to come in at any point that day to help out!!  Let me know if you’d like to join us (9:30 to 11:40)

PS:  My family spent the day at Patriot Place to celebrate my parents’ birthdays.  Check out the fun we had with Ms. Sally and Mr. Huff!!!  To watch the video, click on the picture of all of us!!!!

7 thoughts on “On Plimoth…

  1. ruby

    hi!!! plimoth was sooo much fun last year!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish the 4th grade could’ve gone too!!!!! but instead we went to the symphony in stead. it was awsome though!!!! 🙂

    (^) caaaaaaakkkeee!!!

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Ruby! I agree – Plymouth is very fun – we had a good time this year even though the weather wasn’t all that great. In fact, the weather was bad enough that they weren’t even working on the mishoon! I’ve never seen that before…

    I would LOVE to go see the Symphony – what a treat that would be. I think you kids are lucky because you get to see and do something new every year, where teachers get to do the same trip over and over and over….

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Ruby – see you on Monday!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. ruby

      whats the missoon again? is that the house by the goats ( the cutie pie goats that is) with the stra roof? my favorite parts of the trip last year was when we whent to the cannon house wich i forget what thats called also. and the goats and cows and chickens, ofcourse!!! 🙂 oh and visiting the witoos. ( is that what the wamponauge houses are called?? i am forgetting EVERYTHING!!! i miss those goats!!!!!!!

      bye!!!! from your wish-i-was-still-your-student-friend. 🙂

  3. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hey Ruby!

    I must have done a terrific job of teaching you last year!!

    The mishoon is the canoe they make by burning a fire and scraping it out.

    The Common House was where you saw the cannons.

    You were close on the Wetus – that’s what the summer Wampanoag houses were called.

    There were goats in the village and near the Nye Barn near the entrance…. lotsa baby goats!

    Bye!! With love from your always-be-your-friend teacher,
    Mrs. Brooks

  4. ruby

    oohhhh yyyeeeeeaah!!!!!! now i remember. i didnt like walking past it though because the wind was blowing i my direction so i got smoke in my eyes. did the third grade already do cranberry day yet??
    that was lotsa fun. and pumpkin day. and mostly every thing else that happened in the third grade.

    did you have dinner on thanks giving???????????????????????????

    from ruby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. Suzy Brooks Post author

    We just had Cranberry Day on Tuesday before Thanksgiving break – I have to update the Blog. The kids enjoyed it, I think.

    I had dinner at my sister’s in Chelmsford. She forgot to stuff the turkey before she put it in the oven, so it was all cooked and ready about 2 hours before we had to eat – so it wasn’t warm anymore. Other than that, everything was delish!

    How about you?? What was on the menu for your Turkey Day??

    Love, Mrs. Brooks
    who just walked in the door from seeing Harry Potter this morning.

  6. ruby

    hi mrs brooks! i didnt eat any thing for dinner on thanks giving because i had a rrreeeeeeaaaaaallllyyyy super bad stomach ache. it was strange. but, i was better in time for dessert though!! for dessert we had a crannbery thing, pumkin pie apple pie homemade whipped cream( i couldnt eat it though 🙁 ) and ice cream :(.
    but me and my cousin who also has the same thing i do ate non dairy ice cream!!! 🙂 i realy want to see harry potter!! is i t good????

    bye!! see you tommorow!! i will visit in the morning!!! ruby

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