Technically Invisible

Padleting Together

With the iPads rolling in on Monday, it was a perfect time to talk about our planet research. I asked students to think of what is important to learn when studying planets. Instead of having them raise their hand and share one by one, we used a free online collaborative tool called Padlet.

Formerly known as WallWisher, (which I used for years), Padlet is a virtual bulletin board, and students create virtual sticky notes on their devices. They show up instantly on the pad,  so we’re able to see everyone’s ideas pretty much instantly! A note can contain text, a link, an image, a video, or a document upload. Every student has a say, every voice is heard. Students readily helped each other as we chatted about planets and thought of more questions.

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You can check out our Planet pad by clicking on the photo – but I’d also like parents to give it a try themselves!  Be sure to follow the link to our Parent Pad below.  We’re asking you to leave a note of encouragement for students as they journey through the 2nd half of 3rd grade. Be creative!

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I also created a document for my adult students (who are all teachers) – giving them suggestions on how Padlet can be used in the classroom.  Perhaps some of the ideas would work well within your family! Plan a family reunion, share family recipes, write a collaborative note to a far-flung relative, etc… If you have any additional ideas of how Padlet could be useful for you, let me know and we’ll create a list!

padlet ideas

Download a copy of the PDF Grab a copy of the PDF padlet ideas!


We are still collecting Box Tops for Education and wanted to thank everyone who has sent some in. Thank you also for the canned goods we donated to the Falmouth Service Center!
Early Release tomorrow!!

Dream Big,

MyLiveSignature - My Signatures



February 3Video of the Week

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8 thoughts on “Padleting Together

  1. Madeline

    I think that the planet pad was a really cool thing to do. When I went on the blog I saw the parent pad and I saw the thing that my mom posted it said ” Keep Calm And Work Hard”. I’m planning on asking my mom to write more on the parent pad so that I can look at what it said. Well, I can’t wait for the Olympics. My faviorte sport in the winter Olympics is figure scating.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      It’s not a download -it’s a free website!! Yaay! Just head to and create a free account and start paddling! If you have trouble, reach out and I’d be happy to help, Jeannie!
      Dream Big,

  2. Pingback: Padleting Together » Third Graders, Dream...

  3. Linda Krystek

    Thank you so much for sharing this resource! I have already created a “Where should Flat Stanley travel next?” board for my class. So many different ways this tool can be used…my head is swimming with ideas.

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