Finding opportunities for movement is essential in 3rd Grade. Without movement breaks, students have a very difficult time focusing and putting forth their best effort. With some instructional blocks lasting almost 3 hours, we have to look for opportunities for…
We’ve Got to Move It, Move It!
Weekend Inspiration
This was one of those weekends where I was immersed in all things Education. I recognize the feeling, because it is Sunday night and I’m hoping I can stay awake to finish everything I’ve set my mind to. My weekend…
Saving Fred
Students in Room 204 are starting to get the hang of our rules and routines. I’m constantly quoting from the report card, which the kids are getting used to. “Follows classroom rules and routines”. “Respects the rights and property of…
Making Our Mark
Today we celebrated International Dot Day (#DotDay) in our classroom. Based on the book The Dot by Peter Reynolds, Dot Day is a time for folks to think about creative ways in which they can make a mark on the…
Go Figure! Math Challenges for Families
I just arrived home from school after an 11-hour day of meetings, school and online trainings. I was excited to see the arrival of my Tech & Learning Magazine – one of my faves!! Yaay! So, here I am, sitting…
A Reading Journey
The first few weeks of school are spent putting procedures into place that make the year run smoothly. It takes a lot of listening on the part of the children, and a lot of talking on my part. The time…
Welcome to Grade 3!
Our first day of school has come and gone, and we all passed with flying colors! We’ll be spending the next several weeks working on routines, and refreshing our learning from last year. The MOOSE book you are holding will…
A Year Anew
I love the newness of back-to-school. Each new school year brings about opportunities to try things differently, to start an adventure of sorts. I’ve been prepping at home and at school in order to be ready… I went to Mullen-Hall…
School Shopping!
It’s that time of year where I load up my shopping cart with classroom supplies. This morning held a lot of promise – mostly because: A. It is going to rain and I won’t miss a beautiful day. B. I…
Starbucking: Are You Networking Socially?
“Whether you are e-mailing, texting, liking, Tweeting, Vining, Linking, Tumbling or Starbucking, you are networking socially. The only wrong way to do it, is to not do it at all.” I recently prepared and shared a presentation in the Ignite…