Technically Invisible

Parent Reflections

Today I’ve sent an assignment home for parents to do!  We’re at the halfway mark in the year, and I would like your input.

The attached form asks questions to see how you think your child is progressing in mathematics.  Please take a moment to fill it out and send it back to school.

Over the course of the year, students are exposed to a variety of math concepts.  Some concepts are newly introduced to them in 3rd grade. Some complex skills are developing, and students will become better at them as the year goes by.  Finally, there are some skills they have reviewed and should be mastering in grade 3.  The Everyday Mathematics program is a spiral-designed curriculum.  Students touch on similar skills over the course of several years in order to deepen and broaden their understanding.

Students will be filling out a similar questionnaire asking them how they feel about math.

Students are knee-deep in our unit on geometry.  There’s a huge amount of vocabulary to wade through, but they are getting the hang of it. We will tie our lessons to real-life examples as much as we can.  Feel free to do the same at home!

Thanks for your feedback!!

🙂  Pens, Pens, Pens.  I don’t know how else to say it – but we are in crazy need of pens. I’m grabbing them from the supply closet, and buying them myself, but we are going through a slew of them.  If you have any lying around the house that you can spare, we will put them to good use.

🙂  This Friday is Halfway Day! We’re at Day 90 already, can you believe it? Students are encouraged to think of ways to celebrate that day through their homework assignment. Have fun with it!

🙂  Hey!  Have you visited our ‘blog recently???  Stop by, say hello, and make our day sunnier.  We LOVE comments!

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

7 thoughts on “Parent Reflections

  1. Kyle

    hi Mrs.Brooks it is freezing outside.Yestrday[Monday]when I got out of the car I was shivering and I had 2 sweat shirts on and a winter coat on.I am really exited about the book talks

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Kyle – it sure was cold! I have to stop for gas today because I was too cold to do it yesterday… bbrrrrrrr!!!

    Book Talks are great – I think everyone will enjoy them 🙂 Thanks for the note!!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  3. Grace

    Dear Mrs Brooks
    Last night I put spoons under my pillow case and crayons on my window sill and even wore my pj’s inside out and when I woke up I got a snow day.

    From Grace

    I’m excited for book talks And half Way Day

  4. Grace

    Dear Mrs.Brooks
    I am a little bit nervis but really exited for book talks:)

    from Grace

    P.S. did you do book talks when you were younger?????????????????
    If you did were you nervis too??????????????????????????????????????????

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