Technically Invisible

Read Across America Day

We were very fortunate in that Officer Harris came to read to us on Read Across America Day.  He chose his favorite Dr. Seuss book – And To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street.  I don’t know who enjoyed the experience more – take a look at the pictures and YOU decide!

Thank you so much, Officer Harris!  We appreciate your taking the time to come in and read to us!!

4 thoughts on “Read Across America Day

  1. Claire Lee

    Hello I’m a fourth grader called Claire. I was born in California but grew up in South Korea. I go to a school called GSIS. It is very unlikely to have a police read to you. I think it is a really big third grade class you have. Your class has a very nice blog. I’m amazed by your creative blog. Please leave a comment in our blog. Thank you~

    From Claire

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Claire,
      We visited your blog and left you and your classmates a post there – thank you so much for coming by our little home on the web! We loved your blog and enjoyed hearing from you and your friends!

      Dream Big,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Alexis – that’s very cool, too — I think there were all kinds of people reading all over the building – so fun!!!

      Mrs. Brooks

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