Technically Invisible

Round 1 Book Talks

Well, it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be – there were certainly bumps along the way (technically) – but I’ve figured out how to post student book talks to our VoiceThread site.  Feel free to leave positive comments on student presentations, but in the interest of being careful, do not use any student names on VoiceThread.

Students did a great job for their first try, and I’ve already heard that they are excited to begin Round 2!!

Click on the graphic below, or you can always click on Voice Thread in our Blog Roll….flip to pages 3 and 4 to see the newest ones…


3 thoughts on “Round 1 Book Talks

  1. Ruby!!!

    Hi Mrs. Brooks!
    I liked all the new book talks. i noticed that some people aren’t on there yet. If you could do a book talk what book would it be?

    Ruby 🙂

  2. Mrs. Brooks

    Hi Ruby,

    You’re right – the first few talks were recorded with video, but I didn’t have the sound turned on. I’ll catch them in Round 2. Hmmm…. I think if I could choose, I would go with Each Little Bird That Sings. It’s a wonderful story and the characters are so real.

    Enjoy this rainy day!
    Mrs. Brooks

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