Technically Invisible

School is a Hot Spot!

We had another great day today, despite the heat. The entire third grade tie-dyed their shirts for Field Day and our trip to the Canal next week.

Tighten those elastics!!

Gloves on, ready to dye!

309 students are WAY more patient than they were in September!!

Most of our shirts

Miss Sally was happy to help!!

Each teacher brought home a BIG load of laundry!!

Writing Workshop was outside today, too hot in the room!!

10 thoughts on “School is a Hot Spot!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Leah and Brianna,

      You should be tired! You ALL worked SOOOOOoooooo hard today! What a wonderful day of school, I hope you are both tired in a GOOD way!!!

      Mrs. Brooks

      ps: don’t worry, I fixed the spelling errors, ladies 🙂

    1. Mrs. Brooks

      Hmmmm… Brianna, I just went and listened to it and it worked fine – the video is VERY fuzzy on my computer, but I’ve been having trouble watching videos on my computer lately.

      What was the trouble you had? Enjoying this rainy day?

      Back to report cards!
      Mrs. Brooks

  1. Leah and Brianna

    Good Morning Mrs.Brooks,

    Thank-You Mrs.Brooks for fixing our spelling. We are still tired well at least I am (leah).

    love leah

  2. Mrs. Brooks

    Hi Marissa,
    We’re not counting votes — we’re counting “visitors”. 🙂 It will take a while to hit 11,000. We seem to be getting about 50 visitors a day – right now we are at somewhere around 10,150…. Have a great weekend!!!

    Mrs. Brooks

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