Technically Invisible

Set Up for Success!

Last week I wrote about all of the strategies we are using at school to help us prepare for the upcoming MCAS.  This week, I’m giving you some suggestions for what can be done at home to set your child up for a positive testing experience. (While I am giving these as strategies for the MCAS, they truly are effective year-round!)


Move it, Move it: Researchers have found that children who participate in vigorous exercise 3 days a week score 10% better in school than their less-active counterparts. With Daylight Savings in effect, get those kids outside, and running around.  Enjoy the fresh air and warmer weather!

ZZZzzzzz: Extensive research has been conducted on the effect sleep has on academics. Students who lose even one hour of sleep can perform 2 years below their usual capabilities.  In the interest of Restful Slumber, there will be no homework assigned next week. Please be sure your young student has a calm, relaxing evening, and an early bedtime.   10-11 hours per night is the recommended amount for children at this age.

Breakfast is Essential: Research reveals students who regularly eat a nutritious breakfast, perform better on tests measuring math, reading, memory, speed and other cognitive abilities.  Spend some time planning ahead for some easy-to-prepare, yummy and healthy breakfasts.

Encouraging Snacks: Later this week, you will receive 4 paper bags along with 4 index cards, and an instruction sheet.  I am asking parents to fill these bags with snacks for their favorite little third grader, and to include a note of encouragement and/or pride.   We will snack before the test (healthy!) and after the test (fun!).  I can say that notes from parents are treasured by students, and give them the encouragement and reassurance they crave when faced with their first Big Test.

Last year's bags - the days will be different this year! 🙂

Created in FableVision's Stationery Studio

What’s to Come:

🙂 Tuesday is an early-release day. Be sure to send in notes if anything changes with your child’s dismissal.

🙂 Have I mentioned how much we love writing?  We love writing SO MUCH, we have run out of pencils again!  Today I shared some mechanical pencils with each student, but they won’t last long, I’m sure!

🙂 Report cards will be coming home on Friday!

🙂 Keep working on those pesky multiplication facts! This is our final term to reach our goal of every student learning every fact from 0-10!

Dream Big, Mrs. Brooks

More on our Government from Schoolhouse Rock!

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