Technically Invisible

Short Week!

Thought I’d just pop in and let everyone know that our short week will result in unique homework – check it out!

turkey homework

14 thoughts on “Short Week!

  1. Kerrie Marzot

    Enjoy your time off and your Holiday celebration with your Family! Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

    Kerrie & Charlie Marzot

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Brianna!

      What a nice Thanksgiving surprise to see a comment from you!! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by to say hello – I think of you a lot this year because I have a Brianna. Miss you, and hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!

      Mrs. Brooks

  2. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I got an I-pad for Christmas. And now I get to download a lot of games. I downloaded the Cartoons HD where you can watch all cartoons like Toy story 2 and monster’s inc then finding Nemo. I downloaded the app called, infinite flight. I paid that game for $4.99 from my gift card.
    I also got the very awesome report card. I passed all A and all B. I have no problems with my locker at all. I was in gym at one time and I forgot my gym locker combination so I looked in my planer and I Opened my gym locker. But on Monday I might forget my combination for both lockers hallway lockers and gym lockers. So how are you doing? I have a hockey tournament coming up. GO COOL CATS. Let’s hope that my team win. For my report card I once got a C in reading but then I got B and before I got a B I was like, I think I got C in reading but then I have noticed I got a B and I was like, What?!? And I was like I got a B in reading?!? And my teacher was like yes you got a B on your report card. I was like Oh my gosh. I did not believe it. I got no C D F on my report card. I got A and B. I was typing on my I-pad.


  3. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jonathan!
    Sounds like you had a fabulous Christmas! An iPad?? How lucky are you! Do you get to bring it to school and use it for learning, or does it just stay home? Kendyl and Carson both have school iPads but they can put their own apps on them if they want to. They also like getting iTunes gift cards.

    Congratulations on the super report card! You must be working so hard in those classes to get all A’s and B’s! Awesome! My guess is that you will totally remember your combinations for both lockers. Your hands will remember, too :).

    I am doing good. Our house had a leaky flood and we had to move out but we should be moving back in by the end of the month, hopefully. A big mess but we can fix it!!

    Good luck to you in your upcoming hockey game! I’ll look forward to hearing all about it!

    Happy New Year to you!
    Mrs. Brooks

    1. Jonathan

      Hi Mrs. Brooks, I was inviting everyone at my school to my hockey game. Including the teachers. I had to have my I-pad to stay at home but I am allowed to take it for Boy Scouts. On the I-pad, I get to text my friends on the I pad. But they have to have an I-phone so they can Text me. But for 8th grade I might bring my I-pad to school. Everyone is rolling in for my hockey tournament that means that it is a lot of people coming to my game. And tonight I have to write all the game schedule so they could come and I have to bring the schedule for the game to school. I have a basketball game coming up on Saturday. So how is Carson doing?


  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jonathan!

    I wish we lived close enough so we could roll in for your hockey games. Kendyl got new hockey skates for Christmas even though she does not play hockey. I thought you’d get a kick out of that. She thinks she looks cool, though. She LOVES LOVES LOVES watching hockey. Carson likes it too, but he does not have skates right now.

    What do you use your iPad for when you bring it to Boy Scouts? I use my iPad and my iPhone to text my friends and family, too. I think it is easier to type on my iPad, but not as easy as it is for me to type on my laptop.

    I was thinking of you today – I was dusting off my piano keyboard and think that I will bring it to school for the kids to use during Fun Friday Free Time. It might be a smart idea for me to bring in headphones, too, though, ha ha…. It could get noisy! And you know I don’t like it to be noisy!

    Carson is doing good. His favorite presents for Christmas were a longboard (like a skateboard) and a yo-yo. The longboard is still indoors because we have so much snow outside. The yo-yo is a fancy one that you have to be very good at to use. Carson is practicing a lot and is getting the hang of it. I’ll video tape him when he gets a little better so you can see.

    Good luck in your basketball game and your hockey tournament. We will be cheering for you! Thanks for the note!
    Mrs. Brooks

    1. Jonathan

      Hi Mrs. Brooks, guess what, I turned my I-pad into a phone. But it is an I-pad but I downloaded the application that allows me to make free calls. And I also got my very own number. Can you believe that? Over the weekend, I played in a hockey tournament and we played 3 games. I played 2 games indoors and 1 game in outdoors. We won all three games. And I scored. The last game the one I played outside it was called,
      Winter classic. On the first game, we won big. The score was

      Nova Cool Cats 10

      Long Island blues 4


  5. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, guess what, I turned my I-pad into a phone. But it is an I pad? I download in application and it took me 1 hour to find the app where you could make free calls without paying a dime for it. It is a good app. And I got 3 good numbers on the app.

  6. Jonathan

    Hi.mrs, brooks I did not pay attention when I was typing. Haha. But it is an I-pad. I turned my I-pad into a phone. I got 3 good phone numbers on the I-pad.

  7. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jonathan!
    How cool is that? Do you hold it to your ear? Hee hee…. With 3 phone numbers, can you call yourself? Sorry, that’s silly – but it’s fun to hear how you are putting your iPad to use. Thanks for sharing!

    Today was a snow day for us – we have about 10″ of snow outside. Do you get much snow anymore?
    Mrs. Brooks

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