Technically Invisible

Should I, or Shouldn’t I ???

Today we started talking about persuasive writing — the art of convincing someone to agree with a particular belief or opinion you hold.

So, I ask you, Room 309….  As a teacher, during the coming weeks, should I keep showing a broadcast of the live webcam of the Dekorah Eagles on our classroom computer?  Be sure in your response to tell  me why… or why not….

Use the CONTACT ME link on the right hand side of the page to let me know your opinion as you persuade me to make a choice of one kind…. or another!  I’ll post your responses here on this article later on tonight…

Can’t wait to hear from you!!

Mrs. Brooks

Dear Msr Brooks
I think that we shoud keep the eagle cam thing on the SMART Board .One reason i think we should keep it on is that we can learn more about eagles and eaglets.


Dear Mrs.Brooks
I think you should have the eagles on the perjector all day long because I am pretty sure that if you say “If your not quiet than I will not put the eagles up”than people will work as hard as thay can.Also I think you should have the eagles up on the perjector because the anoles are leaving on Wednesday and what are the kids going to observe?

I don’t think the eagles should be on the little computers because some people are close to them and others are far away from the computers.


dear Mrs.broorks
you should not keep them on the scern. they are alomost like the aonls…. think about it…. every time they do something, every one might stop doing thier work and look at the scern… like every time!  On the litte screens,  I feel the same thing. and thet are going to crowd around so even I cant do my work.


Helow Mrs. brooks, I think you should keep the eagles on the board because I think all the kids in the class LOVE to watch the eagles and it will make as learn about nacher. Also because it’s not a distraction believe me!


Hi Mrs. Brooks I think you should keep putting the eagles on the smart board after the morning routine because I think it would be educateing and to be putting the eagles on the SMART Board because the other computers are really laggy. Plus I think they are really cool.


Dear Mrs.Brooks
I think you should keep the eagles up on the SMARTBord because you can observe the eagles and see what they are doing all day.the eagles are so so so cool.


hi Mrs.Brooks I think you should`nt keep the eagles on the SMARTBoard because if you keep it there more kids would`nt get alot of work done because they would be more focused on the eagles and not on the work that you give out.but if you had it on the little computer kids would`nt pay that much at the eagles, and they would pay more attention on they`re work.I would like them on the little computer!!!


Hi Mrs.brooks. I think we should keep the video of the eagles on for a little bit because we are very interested in it and we learn about the eagle and food chains. But we get distracted by watching eagles and not do are work.


Hi Mrs. Brooks,

i think we wont the eagles video on the blog be cause we wont to see the hole video so so so so mach

each kid shod watch the video on the small computers an two kids on the computers.


Mrs. Brooks,

I think we should have the eagel on the perjecter all day long because I AM PRETTY SURE THAT YOU SHOULD.

I think you should because it’s fun watching them.

Dear Mrs.Brooks
I think we should leave the eagles on the SMARTBoard or the little computer…… because we will probably pay attention so we could keep it on.If we leave it on the SMARTBoard everyone could see it. If you put it on the little computer not a lot of people can see. Only #s 1 and some other people can see because they are closer to the computer and like the people in the back can’t see it very well.


Dear mrs.brooks
We should keep the eagles up on the
SMARTBoard. where learning about
food chain and webs. we also are intrested. We also are
leaving the anoles .So what are we going to watch after
their gone?

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

I think it would be better to show us the video on the big sscreen because, they’re really iteresting to watch and sometimes funny. And it would make us work faster,neater,and BETTER! It will teach us how their life is.Like how they take care of the eaglets and what they catch, and their WHOLE life is.And thy would make GREAT replacements for the Anoles.And they’re like virtural pets.


Hi Mrs.Brooks
Yes you should keep the eagles on live webcam on because we could learn alot about them maybe one day we could act like an eagle.You should keep the eagles on the two small computers because the projector would get to hot and could not take it..And maybe if you kept them on we could be neater and faster because we would want to watch them.And they are part of the food chain.


Dear Mrs. Brooks,
I think it’s a good idea to keep the eagles in Iowa because the eagles are interesting. Also we could describe them at science and we could learn a little more about an eaglets life and also more about food chains. We could also see what the eaglets and eagles eat. I think you should put it on the big screen because it shows it more clear than the small screen. You should also put it on the blog so our parents could see the eagles. It might be interesting to the parents.

Dear Mrs.Brooks

I think you should keep putting the eagles up on the screen because we all seem to enjoy watching the eagles do their things. Also because it reminded us all of the story Fly Eagle Fly and you know that we all think that eagles are very interesting to watch.



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