Technically Invisible


This year, We have been exploring the idea of using our SMARTBoard as a cooperative learning center in the classroom. So far, we’ve tried out the idea several times during math. While one or two students work at the SMARTBoard, I usually work with a small group or 1:1 with students (when I’m not behind the video camera). I can see the SMARTBoard from clear across the room. The remaining students wait out the cycle while working in Individuals, Buddies and Truddies (IBT).

So far, so good! Some activities I’m even able to differentiate – such as this one on creating rectangles with specific perimeters using a virtual Geoboard:

5 thoughts on “SMARTCenters

  1. Jack R.

    Hello Mrs.Brooks.I just watched the perimeter video. I liked the music in the back round . What is your faviorte part?I will write on my blog over the weekend. See you tomorrow Jack

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      I like the music, too, Jack – Carson was even singing it here at home by the time I was done making the video (I have to go through the video many many times before it is all done). It was a fun song – but I’m thinking we should video us doing our perimeter and area chant?

      See you tomorrow!
      Mrs. Brooks

  2. Mrs. Lewis

    I love the title and song in the background of your video Mrs. Brooks. This is a neat effect! In our class we talked a lot about presentation when we published our first personal narrative pieces. Adding a cover with a unique title helped us feel like “real writers”. Your title and background music makes your video seem very professional, nice work!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Thanks so much, Becca! It seems a bit crazy at first, but the kids learn to rely on each other and figure it out pretty quickly!! Let me know how you make out!

      Take care,

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