Technically Invisible

Still Vacationing…

Hi Friends!
I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather during your vacation.  We decided to surprise Kendyl and Carson with an overnight trip to 6 Flags, and to the Basketball Hall of Fame.  We had a nice time, but it feels good to be home.

Watch Carson & I trying our luck as sportscasters in the Hall of Fame…  Funny stuff!!

Love,    Mrs. Brooks

Click the picture to see the video!!

Click the picture to see the video!!

5 thoughts on “Still Vacationing…

  1. Ruby!!!

    hi mrs. brooks! your vacation sounds fun. i’ve been sick all week.
    The movie of you and carson was funny. How do you know when your supposed to start talking? do they point or something? i want have never been to six flags before but i want to go

    From Ruby 🙂

  2. Mrs. Brooks

    Hi Ruby,

    I’m sorry to hear that you have been sick this week :(. That is no fun at all. I hope you are feeling better every day.

    When we did the newscast – there is a teleprompter that you watch – it’s like a TV screen with the words scrolling by. They move pretty quickly. The gentleman running the station was too busy talking to Mr. Brooks to point, and I didn’t know we had started, ha ha. It was very fun.

    Kendyl and Carson didn’t really like Six Flags because they don’t like roller coasters. They are too big for the kiddie rides, and they are too scared for the big ones, so we probably should have waited till they were older.

    See you on Monday! Rest up and enjoy your weekend 🙂

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  3. isabelle

    Hi Mrs. Brooks,

    Sounds like a fun vacation! 🙂 I agree with Ruby I want to go to 6 flags, but I would be scared!

    See you in three days


  4. Mrs. Brooks

    Happy Half Birthday to Ruby, and Isabelle, I didn’t enjoy roller coasters until I was much older – so there’s no rush. They’ll still be there when you are ready.

    Nite, Nite, Girls!

    Mrs. Brooks

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