Technically Invisible

Stowing Away the Time

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a very busy child!! It’s funny, this time of year makes us feel as if the day is longer. We fit in more, because it feels as if the daylight outside gives us more time in our schedule. While it is really an illusion, it is a great feeling to get more accomplished with a little energy left over.

Your children are going to need their energy to power through these last 6 (!!?!!) weeks of school.  They will need your support when it comes to organization, especially. They are being asked to talk about certain topics at home, bring in certain materials, and complete homework on time.  While ultimately, most of the responsibility is on the student, I do know that the visible finish line will make that more difficult.  They need you! Believe me, my own kids can see the finish line as well, and I’m using all my strength to keep them on target until June 21.  It’s not easy, I know.

Baby books should be practiced for 20 minutes a night (at least). Work on expression, slowing down speech, slow page turning and tracking the number of readings on the sticky note. Bring it to school EVERY DAY!!!

Wax museum is right around the corner. Keep me posted if you need help, and send in a parent note if you do.  I get a GAZILLION questions from the kids, but those are hard to sort through. Practice those speeches five minutes a night, and on Wednesday and Thursday nights, they are your only focus, so dig right in!

Field trips are on the horizon. If you are available to help, be sure your CORI is up to date. We love having the help, and the correct paperwork makes that happen. Buckle UP!!!

After reviewing student, teacher and parent surveys and data, the district has decided to move forward with the Math in Focus curriculum starting in the fall. A comprehensive round of training is in the works for teachers, and all students in grades K-6 will hit the ground running in September!!

Pencils are a challenge for us in the classroom. The only ones that don’t break in the sharpener a MILLION times are the Ticonderoga ones. If you happen to have some laying in around the house, consider sending them in. There are children desperate to do more writing. ;).

Dream Big,

I am not sure if I will have the time to show the whole video in class (I will try) but Cecilia’s mom sent me an AWESOME link giving us a tour of the International Space Station.  Check it out HERE!!

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