Technically Invisible

Summer Plans?

Well, it is officially July and we can’t deny that summer is really here.  I think it’s a perfect time to ask – what is on your summer “list” this year?  What are your plans??

Here’s part of my list:

Bike riding on a daily basis (I’m still not totally reaching that goal)

Painting the front of my house and porch and back deck.  (or maybe just the deck 🙂 )

Beach. Beach. Beach.

Read.  I have a pile of books I keep wanting to tackle.

Organize my garage.  It is a MESS!

I have an old desk that I’m going to repaint for my new classroom.

Teach an online course in blogging

Teach a course at Harvard on using technology in the elementary classroom.

Write an article for

Attend the ASCD Leaders to Leaders conference in VA.

Go on vacation with another family to the Berkshires 🙂

Keep up with my gardens – weeding, picking, watering, dividing…  I usually lose momentum when it is hot, ha ha.

Get myself a new camera after finding out if mine is fixable.

I think those are all the highlights….

YOUR TURN!!!!  What are YOU doing??!! Yes, I mean YOU 🙂 🙂 🙂

3 thoughts on “Summer Plans?

  1. 1

    I am going to water whiz and golf and I saw a osprey get a fish in its mouth it was so cool .I saw Kyle and Gabe .

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Number One, that’s awesome! So nice to see you swinging by the blog… Are you golfing, or mini-golfing? I’ve been on my bike a lot this week, and we’re going to the beach to watch fireworks tonight. I love osprey – so fun to watch.

      Have a great 4th! I saw Kyle, too!

      Mrs. Brooks

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