For the past 5 years or so, I’ve been using a software package in my classroom every single day. Stationery Studio Writing Collection Deluxe by Dr. Peggy Healy Stearns, is available through the FableVision Learning website (click on the box for the link):
I have come to integrate SS to the point where it is completely invisible in my classroom, which means it’s about time I share some of my tips for using it!!
I have the option to print every document so it shares 1, 2 or 4 copies per page. Half and quarter-pages are great paper-savers, and can be glued into student journals for later reference. The one-page size is perfect for mini posters, student-created books, and notices. I also love posting the SS pages on my blog for reference at home.
If you have any questions about the program – don’t hesitate to ask. If you use it in your classroom, feel free to share your own Stationery Studio strategies!!

Students fill out Homework Slips when they have forgotten their homework, or a portion of it. I file the slips away and send them home with report cards.
homework — <~~this is the PDF download version, printed 4 to a page.

Students fill these out for the inevitable nurse visits. I file them away and send them home with report cards as well.
nurse slips <~~this is the PDF download version, printed 4 to a page.

We are lucky in that we can use parents as drivers for field trips. Last year, I created this document to remind their little passengers about our rules 🙂

To support our no-trading-card rule, these Monster Cards were created to notify parents when students forgot the rule. 🙂
monster cards <~~this is the PDF download version, printed 2 to a page.

Our district uses the Keys to Literacy program. We teach the kids the ANSWER Strategy, print these off 4/page and kids glue them in their binders.

One of our Center Activities. Students make a 3-column list, with 10 words in each column. This sheet is printed 4/page for cutting and pasting in their binder/journal.
Grammar Hunt <~~this is the PDF download version, printed 4 to a page.

This is a handout for my Technically Invisible workshops – because my original list needed all these additions!

Another workshop handout – this one highlights the students’ opinions on SmartMoves in the classroom.

These are printed to be hung in the classroom, placed in student MOOSE Books, and to post on the blog.

SS is used during active lessons – I project on whiteboard, and students see how I model the lesson. Sometimes we include student writing, instead.

I display quotes and poetry on the whiteboard for students to respond to in many ways… this is just an example of one.
The following is a collection of posters created for the classroom. You can download the PDF collection here: Elements of Fiction I printed them off using the Stationery Studio B&W (coloring book) option, so that they could be colored in by hand (saving color ink!!).
We use SS to create posters detailing our Criteria For Success. Whether it is a writing assignment, art project or math assessment, we begin by listing the criteria students should remember in order to meet third grade expectations. Sometimes I print them 4/page and then attach one to a test or assessment I’m sending home.
Math Criteria <~~this is the PDF download version.
Reading Criteria <~~this is the PDF download version.
Well, that’s it for now – if I come up with more – I’ll add it in!!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Great! I love all of them and I like the idea of printing 4 to the page to save paper and glue them into notebooks.
Wow, this is great! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you ladies! FableVision has such great software for teachers – and Stationery Studio is my fave!!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Dream Big,
Love your ideas and appreciate you sharing. What does “Steal and Slide” mean on the reading test suggestions?
You’re welcome! – Steal and Slide is a strategy we ask kids to use so that their answers are more complete. I’ll use your question as an example:
Q: What does “Steal and Slide” mean on the reading test suggestions?
A: On the reading test suggestions, “Steal and Slide” means to use words from the question in your answer.
Enjoy your summer 🙂
Thanks for these great ideas!!! Curious? What is Steal and Slide in your reading test suggestions?
Sorry! Just found the answer. My kids will love it:)
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I’m 13 years old this August!
Not in middle school. I’m clermont. In Jefferson Houston, the students are not nice so I went to Douglas Mac arthur. Please note: I was on the I-pod touch right now so I can coment you on the I-pod. And right after the full year of Douglas mac Arthur, I went to Clermont.
Spelling check from the second coment, I’m in clermont elementry school.
Hi Jonathan!!! I’m typing on my iPad, and I love that I can use it for our classroom blog. So handy! Starting at a new school can be scary, but so exciting to meet new friends and teachers. I hope you are loving it there. Are you in 6th grade, now!?!??? That’s crazy talk!!! Can’t believe you are going to turn 13 this summer!
Mr. Brooks just turned 50, so we are going on a cruise this summer with Kendyl and Carson to celebrate…. We are going to Alaska! I can’t wait to take lots of pictures and to fly in a float plane.
Are you still playing hockey?? Playing piano? Any other instruments or hobbies? You’ll have to write and tell me all about it! Can’t wait!
Mrs. Brooks
I’m am 13 already. On august.
Cannot believe it. I failed a test twice. On friday and today.
You’ll turn 14!??? Wow. Time flies. I’m sorry to hear about your tests, a lot of middle school teachers will let you figure out a way to improve your grade if you ask nicely. Tests can be hard!
No. I’m 13.
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I am having a field trip tomorrow and we are walking to Mark twian middle school.
And yes I will turn 14 in august. And I might get a job at giant. In the store because the rule to work at giant is I have to be 14 years old.
Hi Jonathan! Is Giant a grocery store? Kendyl works at Market Basket in their produce section and likes it. It was hard for her to get her job before she turned 16, though. She also does a lot of dog sitting and Carson mows lawns.
Hope your field trip is fun, will that be your school next year?
I was talking to Ms. Mara and mrs. Steele and they both send big hellos to you! I showed them the pic mom sent and we all can’t believe how teenager-ish you look!!
Love, Mrs. Brooks
Tell Ms. Mara that I knew how to open a spen dial combination lock. And yes the Giant is a grocery store. And Tell Ms. Mara that I went on Air Tran Airways over spring brake. I flew on a B717 plane. And that is a fun flight
and I flew on Southwest back to Baltimore on a B737 plane. And at school, we played the main idea game and we did not finish the game because We were fooling around and I was laughing. And I got some”BIG” problems with Dillon and I told on of the teachers that Dillon Point at my face at new physically and I told him I told the teachers and Olivia yelled at me. But one person is nice to me which is that girl in clermont in 6 grade which I was in 6 grade her name was Melissa. And The walk to go to Mark twain is going to be hot so. I bringing water bottles to school for the people who don’t have their water bottles and and I just been talked to the safety patrol his name is Jacob Nelson about being the safety patrol and I will thank about being a safety patrol. It is a big resonabillaty to the job.
Hey Jonathan, it is very thoughtful of you to bring water bottles for others, especially if it is going to be hot! Safety patrol sounds like a lot of responsibility, but I bet you’d be fabulous. Speaking of safety, I took off the last names you typed…. Remember, we have to be safe on the Internet, too!
I’m sad to hear that you are having trouble with other students. I hope your teachers are able to help you figure things out. Your comment about the Main Idea game made me giggle a little because sometimes you got yellow or red cards with me for laughing. Remember? You have to stay on target and try to keep the laughing to the right times. Have fun, but not TOO much fun!!
Do you get an April vacation? Ours starts Friday. yay!!
Love, Mrs. Brooks
Think not thank spell check
Oh Ok sorry I did not know about the last names I won’t put a last names sorry. And you are so right We have to be safe on the Internet. And oh yeah I did. O remember we have fun Friday free time and I bought some toys? And I Bring a lock to school and I was not paying attenion. Did I spell that right? So Ms. Lawrence told me, “No more locks to school.” And I said, “OK.” And I’ve done my homework. and what I was laughing about what causing to get a yellow or a red? speaking of safety I was flying back to Baltimore on Southwest and During landing the plane Shoke and it was a not the emergency landing but I put my head down for a landing because sometimes when you are on the plane, sometimes it was hard to sit back on the plane but if it was bumpy Then you have to put you head down if you can not sit back during landing. But at school, we have a horrible lesson but safety is all about I can not tell you with infront of your students. Wow that is alot of typing and speaking of typing, I went on type to learn on the computer. I was playing and fooling around during the game of main idea and First I was rolling a dice and I drop the dice and we were playing the game on the floor and I was like, this will make you laugh so hard I was like, Yo money! And I made Alex laugh so hard. So I played in the shoot out for Ice hockey for cool cats at the professional and the croud were watching are team. I played 1 tournament in hockey And They canceled the tournament so I played with the cheetahs and I played in Jamestown, NY. And at the cough tournament I scored.
Good morning, Jonathan!
You are right – Fun Friday Free Time is still going strong. In my class this year, students are allowed to bring their devices. They had to sign papers and they have to follow rules, and we use them for learning. During Fun Friday, they can play games on their devices and they really enjoy that. I’m glad that it is going to be nice out again and so we’ll go out for some Fun Fridays, too.
Hmmmm…. You’re wondering what you used to do to get red and yellow cards? Sometimes it was for drawing instead of writing, sometimes it was for being too silly after you were reminded to settle down, and sometimes….. Hmmmmm….. I don’t remember! I mostly remember the stuff you did that kept you on “green”!!
I’ve had some bumpy landings on aircraft, too. It can be scary, and I can see why you might put your head down. Did I tell you I’m going to fly on a float plane when I go to Alaska? I’ll take pictures of the inside and outside when I go in July.
I remember seeing pictures from your hockey game – it must have been so exciting to skate in a big arena with lots of people watching!
I’m heading off to school. Hope you have a wonderful day!!
Mrs. Brooks
I go to the bus stop to go to school at 8:15AM
Our class went on a field trip.
To the art musem. It was fun.
Hi Mrs. Brooks I went to my hockey practice with the Cool cats and did you comment me on YouTube? I went camping over the weekend and it was cold in the morning with the boy scouts
Hi Jonathan!
I did not get to comment on your You Tube. Have your mom email me the link and I’ll be sure to check it out! :). I used to camp all the time when i was a Girl Scout. Once we even camped in a tent in the snow!! Hopefully you weren’t that cold this past weekend!
Our April Vacation is all over, so it is back to school for us today. The rest of the year will fly by, I’m sure. We have our Wax Museum starting up – do you remember that?? Have a wonderful day.
Mrs. Brooks
Wax musem? Oh yeah I remember that. Well someone comment me on You Tube and we did not know who comment me. Yes I was that cold. I had to go to the bathroom at 3:00AM and I had to wake up the boys to go to he bathroom.
Hi Mrs, Brooks,, the you tube video is J-boy on piano. Did you hear what happen on September 11th, 2001?
Hi Jonathan,
Now I know what video you are talking about. I can see someone who must have been in our 3rd grade class posted a nice comment. That student must be safe on the internet, because it does not have his name, and because he’s older, I cannot recognize his voice. A fun mystery!
Yes, I do know what happened on September 11th. If you ask your mom, she’ll show you some pictures I took on the 10-year anniversary. You might enjoy seeing them.
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, how are you doing? I saw the something on your website about steal and slide and I will use that strategy. Did I spell that right? Or spelling mistake? I have the I-pod touch that sometimes they were suggesting to change the spelling. A computer is a lot different then the I-pod then a computer. I got into trouble at school on Febuary 14th 2013. So I Went to the Ms. Jacobs office and I stayed there for 5 minutes. And I saw the video for Delta airlines flight simulator. Can reading makes me smarter? Pilots READ A LOT OF HOURS. so I got an A on my typing about George Washington. I’m trying to be safe like you told me so I notice that I was writing you know what. Can reading makes me smarter? Last time, I bought a lock to school and they said, ” no more locks to school or I will take them for a rest of the year.” and I said, “OK.” so there was a song called. We got the beat. Do youknow that song? I studied for my wordly wise test but not over the weekend I will be taking the wordly wise test on Monday So I will not fail my test on Monday. Jonathan. 🙂
Hi Jonathan!
Stealing and sliding is a great strategy when you are answering questions… let me know how it works for you! I bet your teacher will be so impressed 😉 And… your spelling is fine, the iPod Touch helps, I think!
I think you already can predict what my answer will be when you ask if reading will make you smarter…. Reading is like a magic trick, because you are able to learn SO many wonderful things when you read! I know you are already very smart, but yes, reading will make you even smarter!
I was cleaning out the garage today and came across two padlocks with keys. Are those the kind of locks you have to leave at home, or are they combination locks? It’s a really good idea to listen to your teachers and leave those things at home on school days. I can remember when I had you in class you were very good at following the rules when you remembered to leave all those cool things at home. I would hate to have you lose them until the end of the year.
Yes, We Got the Beat was a popular song when I was younger, and now it has been stuck in my head since last night when I read your blog comment, ha ha. Thank you for that.
Good luck on your wordly wise test on Monday, i bet with a little practice you’ll do a super job, just like you did when you got the A on your George Washington typing!!
Off to do some more garage cleaning. Fun.
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I have a piano concert tomorrow and I will be playing Sonatina on piano. Remember that we had my piano concert? Can I-pod touch can be sneaky when you were typing a word and They said that’s not right? Speaking of magic trick, I can do the pencil magic trick through my hand. It was very cool. I can make the I-pod touch steal my cards. Was that crazy? I was watching the videos on you tube how to do things like, how to play the star spangled banner on piano. I knew the words from Star spangled banner. So for field trip, I will be going to Kings Dominion amusement park for chorus. So back long time ago, you told me that you were flying on United airlines to Virgina beach. What airport did you fly out of? Did you go to Virginia beach on United airlines? I got a magic trick that you should see. ¿ Upside dow question mark. Did I spell that right? Is that a cool trick? Enjoy the upside down question mark. I think You will laugh so hard at this trick. Jonathan 🙂 🙂
Hi Jonathan, you sure are getting to be a PRO at that iPod Touch! I have a few students who bring theirs to school on tech day and they are good at it, too. For me, it’s too tricky – my eyes are old and my fingers are too big!
A field trip to King’s Dominion will be awesomely fun! Do you go on the wild rides? I love roller coasters, but not round and round rides.
I remember saying I was flying to Virginia – but we flew into IAD (Dulles). I was on United, riding on a A-320. I love to fly. This summer I’ll fly on Air Canada to YVR (Vancouver) and then home from ANC (Anchorage) on United. Do you remember I told you I used to be a travel agent? I had to memorize ALL of the major airport codes in the USA. I still remember a bunch of them.
I OF COURSE remember your concert – we sat in the front row and you played several pieces. I’m sure you’ll be just as fabulous tomorrow. Good luck and enjoy yourself!
Have a wonderful night – and loved seeing your ¿¿¿ magic trick.
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, remember that on the first day of school, and you were talking about a fire drill and I was like,
“Yikes!” and I asked everyone and I was like, “Is there be any fire drill? Was it ?! Or !? Which one? I was answering a question and I said in my head, I’m going to use the strategy that Mrs. Brooks taught me. And on the third question I was stealing and sliding and while I was stealing and sliding, it was time to go to lunch. it was a forth quarter and I have not lose any letters at all. Say the word is Cool cats. If I lose one now I will ool cats and I will have 7 letters. The word is character. My dad and I went to a nationals baseball game and when I was going home, We were at the metro and We were waiting for 25 minutes at plaza something. I forgot the name of the stop. While we were waiting, there was a train and there was no passengers on the train and I was like, “BOOOOO.” and when we were on he train, we were waiting for a train to move and they are still boarding 5 minutes. And the total was 25 to 30 minutes. So 25+5=30. WOW 30 minutes of waiting. WOW. And at Eisenhower Avenue, it was raining so hard and I do not have my jacket and it was raining so hard I got wet. And I got into the car and I ran into the house. And at the game, the ball was coming down and somebody caught it. And My dad told me to look up so we stand up and somebody caught it and at the end of the game, the nationals won the game. 🙂 Jonathan 🙂
Hi there Jonathan!
Wow! You had lots to share. I totally remember you and how much you “loved” fire drills. I will say that by the end of the year, they didn’t bother you anymore.
You’ve been using Stealing and Sliding? Awesome! I bet it helps when you are trying to answer questions completely and in full sentences.
Hmmmm…. The letter thing — is that for behavior? I know some teachers have students earn letters to get rewards and stuff like that.
How lucky that you were able to go to a National’s game with Dad! Even better that they won! We haven’t been to a Red Sox game in a few years. Whenever we go into Boston, we have to spend a lot of time waiting in traffic or waiting for buses or trains or subways. We like to spend that time singing to the radio or playing alphabet games – or just watching what’s going on around us. It helps the time go by MUCH faster that way! Sounds like even though you had to run through the raindrops – you still had a great time! Yaay!
Tell Mom Happy Mother’s Day for me!
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I have problems with some of teachers that I have no idea about why the teachers are doing stuff that was not good at all. Remember that I was one of the characters from The Wizard of oz from the wax museum? and I was a scare crow for the wax museum. Remember that I was in the wax museum? I cannot wait for Kings Dominion theme park. For Kings Dominion trip I have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,,9,10,11,12,13,
14,15,16 more days Until the King Dominion trip. I have a busy weekend. What are you doing over the weekend?
PS I found out how to type fast so I have to type on the note pad and I copied and paste it. Jonathan
Hi Jonathan!
My weekend is filled with chores, chores and more chores. I have to find Mr. brooks a new computer, and do some school work and cleaning. Fun stuff! Did you go to King’s Dominion last year? I think I remember you being excited about that. I’ve never been there before, but I love theme parks!
Remember, this time of year, the kids get a little excited about summer vacation. Teachers know that there are still important things to learn before you leave, so they still expect on-target behavior. Be sure to bring your self-control to school every day and make choices that help you as a learner. You are also older than my students are, so your teachers probably expect more mature behavior, too…. Hang in there and enjoy these last few weeks of school, you can do it!!
Off to do my chores. Hope your busy weekend is awesome!!
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I comment Ruby the other day. So I did not get a comment from her. Remember Angelina N.? My teachers are beeing inappropriate at my school. o told Ms. Lawrence that I forgot my check for my money account and she said, “well then you will get a cheese sandwhich.” And I was like, ” No I will my she will get me another chance.” and she goes, “No you won’t.” And I was like, “Yes I will.” And she goes, “Well I will come down to watch you to see what she done to you.” And I made a choice by saying nothing to Ms. Lawrence at all because that was inappropriate thing to say. Do you Agree? So how are you doing? No I did not go to Kings Dominion theme park last year. But it will going to be !!AWSOME!! I never got suspended at all through out out my school life. I have 4 more weeks until I have SUMMER VACATION. But I do need to worry about Mark Twain next year because I will see my clermont students next year!! YAY!! And also the Combination spin dial lockers! YAY. MY FIRST LOCKER YAY! Next year will be !!AWSOME!! 🙂 Jonathan 🙂
Hi Mrs. Brooks, Spell check. I Put, “o told. ” instead of ” I told.” I typed an O instead of an I. Sorry.
Jonathan 🙂
Good morning, Jonathan,
I’m sure Ruby will come back and comment at some point, my former students pop in and out from time to time. I do remember Angelina, she was a very good friend to you.
I know the cheese sandwich is a choice at schools all across the country when kids forget their lunch money. Not delicious, but it hopefully helps kids to remember their money. You only have four weeks left to remember your money so hopefully you don’t have to worry about lunch choices and second chances again Hang in there!
Lockers are fun. Are you planning on having an organized locker or a messy one? Can you guess what my locker looked like in middle school? Combination locks are fun, but don’t let it distract you from your learning ;).
Okay, I’m off to wake up two sleepy teenagers. Tonight the Bruins play, so they will be going to bed a little later. I like to have them asleep by 9:00 on school nights. They need their sleep to stay happy.
Have a tremendous Tuesday!!
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I watched the Bruins against the New York Rangers on TV. Remember that I got a Blue card after 5 red cards? I remember that I learned my lesson NOT to get a 5 red cards and 1 blue card. But yellow card is a reminder not to do it again.. The Bruins lost the game. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I remember that you will be going on a float plane over the summer. Am I right? What does tremendous mean?
Jonathan 🙂 @) 😉
Hi Jonathan!!
I watched the game, too. The Bruins will have to put forth tremendous effort to win the series and move on to the finals. I am confident they will!!
I still use red and yellow and blue and green cards. I have not given a blue card this year, at all. That is a tremendously wonderful thing! It seems that those yellow cards work very well.
You are correct, we are flying in a float plane when we visit Anchorage, and it will head out over Denali, so we will get to see Mt. McKinley. I imagine we will see a tremendous amount of wildlife on our trip. I’m looking forward to seeing American Bald Eagles and whales, but I also hope we see a bear and other animals.
Can you guess what tremendous means, now? 😉
Off to school…. We were supposed to go on a field trip today, but the heavy rain forced us to reschedule. Oh well, we will head out in June.
Any fun plans for your long weekend?
Mrs.. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, moving on to middle school. I will not get into trouble in Mark Twain at all. There all the things that I have to do like….
1. Pay attention
2. No playing around.
3. Get good report cards
4. Do not get detention
5. Stay on task
6. Stay on target
Lots of rules in middle school. Am I right? I’m might see or hear stuff that is not right. Am I right? I looked it up of how to do the I-pod touch trick on YouTube on the I-pod. What happens if the teacher finds out if I was not playing around in class? (Jonathan) did I spell everything right? Jonathan
Hi Jonathan!
Your list of goals sounds very mature and you will learn a TON if you are on target with your behavior. Remember, there’s always time to have fun, you just have to follow the rules. And yes, there are lots of rules in middle school. There are lots of rules in life, for that matter! I’m still in school, so I haven’t set my goals for next year, yet – but you’ve reminded me that it is a GREAT idea to set some goals for myself!
Back to work!
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, there is the song called When Down comes tumbling down. Do you know that song?
So how are you doing? Over the summer, should I…
1. Play with the I-Pad
2. Practice multiplying
3. Practice combination lock
4. Play with the I-pod touch
5. Watch NFL
6. Play piano
Or other things? Any ideas.
Watch movies online?
I only have 74 days until I go back to school to see my friends from clermont. and 45 days until my birthday. I will be 14 years old.
When does NFL play again?
The giants did not do so well last summer. Rememer that? My favorite team on football is The New York GIANTS and the patriots.
🙂 Jonathan
Hi Jonathan!
Is the song you are talking about when the Walls come tumbling down? By John Mellencamp? I think it’s called Crumblin’ Down. Great song!
Your list is SUPER! I have a few to add:
1. Go Letterboxing or Geocaching with your family – you would LOVE it and it is a great way to be outdoors and get exercise!
2. Read!! You can read books on your iPad if mom or dad help you find some to put on there. Carson doesn’t really like to read, but he likes reading on his Kindle. He has to do summer reading for school this fall. Do you?
3. Build a fort (inside or outside).
4. Learn how to make a water bottle rocket launcher. We launched rockets at school this week, and the kids designed some awesome rockets. Look online with your parents to find the instructions.
5. Go on an alphabet photo safari. Take your camera and find things in your yard or to represent each letter of the alphabet. You can make a book or a slideshow with the photos.
6. Go to the library – it’s nice and cool there and you can find all kinds of fun things to read.
Let’s not rush the summer, my friend – yesterday was my last day of school, ha ha! I know you’re excited for your birthday, though :). Sometime at the end of July is when the NFL teams have their training camps – and they start playing the end of August-ish. Hopefully both of our teams do well this year!!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Brooks
Oh my gosh! You are awesome! These posters are beyond helpful!
Hi Mrs. Brooks, 11 more days until mark twain middle school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have Sunday through Friday until September 1st, 2013. I have to think about today and the rest of the week. Will that make the time go by faster? As long I don’t think about september 5th, 2013 that’s when my school starts. I will keep track of how man days until September 5th, 2013. So I got some good tips about counting down the days. For example: say i have 14 days left until school starts, so at night I will cross out 14 and the next day will be 13 days left. That will help me not to think about it all day. Let’s hope. Are you exited about the first day of school? In Mark Twain, I will be using the locker. I have to turn the dial to open it. The rules about lockers…..
1. Do not tell anyone the combination with anyone (If anyone told you the combination, do not steal their stuff.)
2. Do not share lockers with anyone. (If anyone ask you to share a locker, say no.)
3 If you cannot get the locker to open, ask anyone who always know how to open it.
4 do not kick the locker if you cannot open it.
I have to follow the rules about lockers.
Jonathan 🙂
Hi Jonathan!
I know how hard it can be to wait when you are excited for something coming up. I am sure you are going to love Middle School! It sounds like you have the rules to lockers and locks all memorized – stay focused on that target of good behavior!! I am very excited for the first day of school, but I am always nervous, too. I don’t think students realize that teachers feel both ways, just like the kids!
What are you going to do to keep busy before school starts? I kind of start back today, but my students don’t arrive until next week. I still have lots of work to do to get ready!
Enjoy the last few days of summer – use that countdown to have fun!
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I been practicing my combination lock all summer and I thought the first day of school is on September 5th. I thought my first day of school is on september 5th, 2013 because the security staff said September 5th 2013. And when I I went to the locker afternoon, one of the teacher’s said, “. First day of school is on September 3rd, 2013.” And I ask my dad by saying, ” September 3rd?” And he said, “that’s right.” and I saw one of my friends from Clermont. So I will write the instructions of how to open my locker. So let’s hope I don’t turn the dial to the left twice and not one full turn. The instructions said turn the dial 1 full turn passing the first number and stop at the second number.
3 more days until first day of school.
I will go to back to school shopping tomorrow or Monday.
Jonathan 🙂
Hi Jonathan!!
Today’s the day we’ve been waiting for!! September 3rd, and we’re both heading off to our first day of school. New adventures, new faces and lots of new things to learn (for both of us!!). I hope you have a fabulous first day, and I’ll be looking forward to hearing about it.
Good luck with that combination lock – it takes a little practice, but something tells me that you’ll have the hang of it in no time. Don’t forget that there are so many other important things at school, too – don’t focus too much on your lock!
Try your best, smile and Dream Big, my friend.
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I was not distracted with my locker. I had a fire drill today and were going to have a fire drill again next week. I saw one of my friends from last year. And THAT SCHOOL WAS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT A 100% ON MY TEST OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!! I got 2 lockers.
Jonathan 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you for writing back – you reminded me that we will be due for a fire drill awfully soon. I need to remind my new students about where to go when it goes off. I bet you are a pro at fire drills, now! I’m thrilled to hear your lockers were not a distraction! I’m even more happy to see enthusiasm in your post. Enjoy the rest of your week!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs Brooks,
Well, Not a pro at fire drills but I had to cover my ears during fire drill but I will in high school.
Are you going to have a fire drill tomorrow? Or next week?
I will have a fire drill next week.
I might watch a movie on the I pod touch, but I don’t use Netflix. It cost mony.
I use
And I googled the movie like…. Ghost busters on The website called..
And I googled The Wizard of oz at
We had our fire drill today, Jonathan!! My new students did a GREAT job! I have to cover my ears, too – those loud sirens HURT!! We don’t have Netflix, either. We will have to check out!
Good news about the locker lock! Keep up the great work!
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I will have a fire drill again. Tomorrow the NFL will play.
I will watch the patriots game on TV. And I will go to Ice hockey practice tomorrow.
Jonathan 🙂
Hi Jonathan!
I just had to delete 80 spam comments before I came down and found yours. It’s like going to your mailbox and finding it stuffed full of junk mail, with only one nice card in it. Finding your comment made me smile. Pats are on tonight! I don’t know if I’ll be awake to watch them, but it’s exciting to think I might.
Have a great day at school!
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I had a fire drill today. How often do you have a fire drill?
Have you seen Toy story 2 before?
Funny you should ask! We had our 2nd one yesterday morning. We have about 3 or 4 a year to practice. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Toy Story 2! I’m a Disney fan, so anything they release I love watching. Who is your favorite character? I love Jessie in TS2, and her song makes me cry.
Mrs. Brooks
Hi mrs. Brooks, my favorite Character is buzz. My favorite part is the airport part when they went to the airport. It was funny how buzz was driving a car. Did you see that part?
I did see that part. Can you imagine how much fun it would be to work on the team that makes these movies? Just coming up with the ideas must be a blast! What are you hoping to do when you grow up, Jonathan? Are you going to be a 3rd grade teacher, lol?
Mrs. Brooks
Hi Mrs. Brooks, I will be a pilot working for American Airlines or Southwest or United or US Airways. At my school, I will start cooking. Yay!!
I have no trouble opening my locker.
Hi Jonathan,
Cooking!?! That’ll be so fun! Kendyl and Carson also had cooking in middle school – but for some reason they still can’t make their own lunches?! I loved cooking class in middle school, but we also had sewing class! My grandmother used to be a Home Economics teacher, so she taught cooking and sewing. My grandfather was a carpentry teacher. I loved my carpentry and metal shop classes in middle school, too. We were very lucky. Most schools have cut back on the extra classes they offer to students. I hope your teacher is fabulous and that the kids know how lucky they are.
You’ll be a fabulous pilot. I’m glad to see that you’re open to working at different airlines. I used to be a travel agent, so I attended school for a little while at American Airlines in Dallas. It was very fun.
Enjoy the Patriots game today!!
Mrs. Brooks