Technically Invisible

Term TWO Starts….. NOW!

We are officially on Day One of Term Two.   We have many discussions in class about learning expectations for students. Today, I mentioned the important steps we take from September to June:

During Term 1, students placed one foot in third grade while keeping one foot planted in second.  It was during that time we reviewed what they had learned in the previous year, while building their background knowledge.

During Term 2, all students become full-fledged third graders.  Expectations are higher, and work becomes more challenging as new concepts are introduced. Students will be held accountable for the skills I know they have, and will be expected try their best every day.

In Term 3, students still have one foot planted in third grade, but now will also have one foot in fourth grade.  We will spend time building on all the cumulative experience of this year in preparation for their work ahead in grade 4.

We talk about what the criteria should be for “quality work”.  Oftentimes, we list the criteria on the board before we delve into a project. I am noticing how students are better able to describe what is expected of them.  They talk about rich vocabulary, detailed explanations, careful editing, and working cooperatively with others.  They clearly know what is expected of a third grader in Room 204.  The challenge they face is including all of the aforementioned criteria on a consistent basis. 🙂 I believe they are up for the task, and they will each rise to it when they are ready.  Stay tuned for the wonderful things to come!

What’s To Come:

🙂 Last week flew by, and left me realizing I never sent home information about our upcoming book project! Sheesh, Suzy!  I decided to postpone it until after our December vacation.  Details describing the nature of the project will be sent home before vacation, but no work will be required during that time.

🙂 Please be sure your child brings a water bottle to school each day.  There have been lots of requests for trips to the bubbler in the hall.  Staying hydrated is an important part of effective learning, but hopefully using water bottles will keep the hallway visits to a minimum.

🙂 Tomorrow is an early-release day. Please remember to send in a note if your child’s dismissal plan is changing in any way.

Dream Big,

Mrs. Brooks

Hmmmm….  Every Sunday night, I sit here trying to think of the perfect Schoolhouse Rock! video to choose…. Here’s one of my faves (aren’t they all, though??) that I can sing by heart 🙂

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