If you haven’t already noticed, the calendar says that this Friday begins our first lengthy school vacation. I can’t believe how quickly the year has been progressing!
At this point of the year, I am head-over-heels in love with my class. I look forward to coming to school every day, and I spend considerable time outside of school, planning for lessons to make learning more fun and effective. Room 204 is a special place to be, and is truly my home away from home.
That’s not to say that I don’t look forward to vacation breaks! Vacations are time for me to connect with my family, catch up on pesky to-do lists, and squeeze in a bit of fun. This year my family and I will be meeting some far-flung friends in New York City. I’ve never been before, and am thrilled to have the chance to enjoy it with the people I love. Toss in all the photographic opportunities I’ll have, and I admit, I’m a lucky girl.
This vacation, I hope my students and their families find many opportunities to enjoy each others’ company. Whether that is cuddling up on the couch in front of a movie, bundling up for a walk on the beach, or rounding up some friends for an evening of board games, I’m sure you’ll all value the time spent together.
So, feel free to leave comments on the blog and let us know what you’re up to! As the official Brooks Family Fun Planner, I’m always on the lookout for new ideas. Seeing our Family Fun list grow will certainly make us all smile as we begin to move forward together in the coming weeks.
Now, more than ever, I thank you for the support and kindness you all extend to our community, our school, Room 204, and to myself. It means the world to me.
🙂 Report cards came home on Friday. Please keep the report card, but return the signed envelope for me to fill again come March. Thanks!
🙂 Friday is Camp Read-A-Lot. PJ’s, pillows, flashlights, etc… If you have questions, or are sending in a donation, or want to volunteer, drop me a note!
🙂 Homework this week is to choose one box from the Homework Menu each night (4 boxes, total). Don’t forget to read for 20 minutes and practice math facts for 5!
Still Dreaming Big,