Technically Invisible


If you could make a wish for someone else in your life, or in the world, what would it be???

Visit our Wallwisher site and leave a sticky note for everyone to read.  The link to this site is also in our Blogroll, where you can visit it during Writing Workshop.


2 thoughts on “Wallwishers…

  1. Mrs. Ansley

    Hi Mrs. Brooks,

    I wanted to let you know that your class did sensational on Friday! They listened very well and were the fastest at following my directions correctly. They each learned how to open a Word document, name it and save it to their own Class Folders.

    The class enjoyed having a few minutes of free time at the end of class. They choose between PhotoBooth, Kid Pix and the Blog.

  2. ruby

    HI Mrs.Brooks! remember on friday when Mrs. Ansley showed us how to use the smart board? I liked the part when she drew on it with her fingers. That reminded me of kid pix.See you on Monday!

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