Technically Invisible

We Are In The Know!

Boy – the buzzword in third grade is MCAS.  To ease anxiety and to help prepare Room 309 students, we have been doing a number of things.

During Morning Meeting, we now allow 3 questions from students about MCAS (sometimes more, sometimes less).

We have done oh-so-many practice selections, and we are using the Falmouth method of answering Open Response Questions. The A.N.S.W.E.R. acronym helps all students in grades 2-6 organize answers when responding to an Open Response Question…  As teachers, we are already excited about the improvement we are seeing in all students’ capabilities when they use this new strategy. One lesson in particular allowed the kids to see how their answers on an ORQ from a month ago compared to their newer version using the ANSWER strategy.  Their little faces lit up when they realized the difference.  Ask them about it!!!

I am always teasing students, saying they need to use the BOOK, not their brain.  They understand that I’m not completely serious – that using their brain is still important. But, when responding to literature, they need to physically GO BACK into the reading and find evidence that supports their answers.

Next week I’ll write about ideas for preparing your child for the MCAS at home..Other than that, these kids have been preparing for a long time before 3rd grade.  They are ready!!

🙂  Welcome to Term Three!  Your kids should be able to tell you what it means to them… I’ve told them they officially have one foot planted in 4th grade!  We should start to see glimpses of what they will be like as 4th graders, now…  Keep your eyes peeled for hard work, responsible behavior, and self-motivation!

🙂  Round One of book talks has finished – all student presentations are on the Voice Thread site.  Now that everyone has the hang of it, these next few book talks will be graded according to the rubric.  Can’t wait to see the improvements!

🙂 Early release tomorrow – don’t forget to bring a note if your dismissal changes for some reason….

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

One thought on “We Are In The Know!

  1. Kathleen

    Dear Mrs. Brooks,
    I wanted to thank you and your class for the voicethread. I am delighted that I can share it with my Dad, #16’s Papa. My Dad is blind and it is wonderful that he can hear the Book Talk. Your dedication to your class and your website is amazing! Thank you!!!

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