Technically Invisible

We Are Resolute!

Every day,

we decide who we will be

by the actions we take.

Inevitably, this time of year brings about thoughts of reflection, resolutions and resolve.  I like that Jan 1st falls roughly in the middle of the school year. It gives us all a chance to think about the progress we’ve made, and where we’re headed before June.  I know.  I just said June.  Sorry.

When we return from vacation, your students will have quite the task in front of them.  I will be asking them to set goals.

That week, an assignment will be for your child to choose 2 goals they would like to accomplish. Because many New Year’s resolutions are long forgotten come February, we use this assignment to break bigger goals into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Take some time to talk with your son or daughter about the importance of setting goals.  Though I encourage them to choose one goal for “school” and one for “home”, you and your child may talk about those, or other, ideas!

Because the idea of goal setting is pretty abstract for kids, any support and guidance you provide would help.  As always, thank you for your support at home.

What’s To Come:

🙂  It’s getting to be that time of year when we run low on pencils and snacks in the snack cabinet.  If you happen to find extras over vacation, feel free to send them into school, we’ll put them to good use!

🙂 Please be sure to have your child participate in this week’s Secret Snowflake homework assignment – if you have questions or need help, please don’t hesitate to ask.

🙂 Book Jacket project information is coming home on Tuesday.  Some information is already on our website if you’d like to peek.  The rest will be there shortly.

Is it spring, yet???

Laugh Out Loud!    Mrs. Brooks

Schoohouse Rock!  Interplanet Janet — she’s a galaxy girl!!

I try to make a new video each year on JibJab – this is our latest one!!

2 thoughts on “We Are Resolute!

  1. Casey

    Those snowflakes were awesome!!!!! They were so much FUN!!!!!!The wheres Gorege bill was from Framingham!!!I think thats how u spell that!?!?!?R u excited for Christmas?????I am I’m asking for a hampstire type ball!!!I want to roll down a hill with it!!!!!!
    LOVE YA!!!!!!

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    They were so cool, Casey. I bought some coolio beads this year, that you would love. We’re also doing a new project – making giant snowballs!!

    Where’s George all the way from Framingham? Nice! Remember, if you want to come in and stamp bills using my stamp, you are welcome to do so whenever you want.

    A hamster ball? I used to have one of those for my ultra-fluffy hamster, Grapenut. He used to LOVE that thing!!! Do they really make them for kids, or are you just making that up?

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

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