Technically Invisible

We’re Getting SMARTer!

Example of Morning Board. Kids drag their names to lunch count...

Recently, we were notified that we would be receiving a SMARTBoard in our classroom.  If the schedule runs true, we’ll have one mounted on our wall as you sit here reading this!

For those unfamiliar with this piece of technology, an interactive whiteboard (IWB) is a technology device designed for interactivity and cooperation.  Where the unit is mounted on the wall at a height to maximize student engagement, I will be looking for ways to involve the kids in our lessons even more!

I’m beyond excited myself. I’ve already been scouring the Internet for lessons and inspiration on practical, effective ways to put the SMARTBoard to use. I’ve been participating in the SMART Exchange website, where teachers share lessons and ideas with each other.

I’ll be sure to keep all of you posted on our explorations, as this is new to me, and I’m excited about where it will take us.
If you didn’t hear about it already, I changed around the classroom to maximize the functionality of all our devices.

Welcome to a new adventure!

🙂  We have welcome 6 new members to our classroom – our anoles!  They will be here until April school vacation. If you ‘d like to donate live crickets, check in with me, as I know they will be appreciated when the timing is right!

🙂  ELA MCAS is behind us, and I have to say that our Snack & Encouragement system was a HUGE success!  Keep your eyes peeled come May; when we do it all again for Math MCAS!  THANK YOU for all of your support.  It makes a huge difference!!

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

I asked the students in the lab today, to type to me and give me their thoughts on either the rules we should have, or any ideas they have for using the SMARTBoard.


We could use it on fun Friday,and THREE kids could use it a day but once a week. plus you cold use the bamboo with it and you could in math too.
from LIAM  bye Mrs.Brooks
I think some rules for the SMARTBoard should be…..
1. Only use your knuckle when you want to touch it.
2. Be careful with the markers
3.Take turns with it

Some suggestions for the SMARTBoard are…….
1. We should have some type of order for who gets to go next
2. No pushing or shoving near the SMARTBoard, or near Louise or anywhere else for that matter….
I think we should do it by number oder.
I think we should use the SMARTBoard for doing math boxes and reading stories and playing learning games.Some rules for the SMARTBaord are 1 use board when told by teacher.2 do not damage the SMARTBaord 3 wash hand before using SMARTBaord or use hand sanitzer.
I think the smart board should be used to help improving all of are subjects and on fun Friday we could play on it
Hi mrs. Brooks
we shoud play hang man.
We should allso play games thet are like a math games.

Here are 3 rules for the SMARTBord.

1. 3 peopel at ones drawing on it.

2. no one can write on it when the teacher is out of the room.
I think somerules for the SMARTBoard
1. only use your knukle careful with the marker.

3.Take turns.
if 2 kids had 1 part to draw some thing that is math when your are done you  have to color in different order
we might make a movie
we might use it fore math,sinc ,so social studies. I thout thous might be some rules gentle. 2. use your knullke.
I think some rules should be
2.)Don’t put a lot of pressure on it.
I think a suggestion is…
on Friday’s we should use it for math and fun Friday.
Here are some rules I thought of:1, Please don’t sit under the SMARTBoard. 2, It will not be right to color on the SMARTBoard whenever you want.3, Please do not play random games unless you are asked to.I hope we use the SMARTBoard to: Play fun and cool math game games, write a story/play!
I think for taking turns on the SMARTBoard we could go in number order. We could also go in ABC order. My last idea is we could count how many letters in a name.
Mrs.Brooks you said that we could make rules for the SMARTBoard or how we could use it and I am making rules so here they are.

Rule 1.No using expo markers on the SMARTBoard.

Rule 2.No making messages on the SMARTBoard at the end of the day.

Rule 3.No touching it without your permission.

Rule 4.No sitting under it.

And I hope we play alot of games before the end of the year like Math games and writing games.

Love Leah
Hi Mrs. Brooks,
I have some SMARTBoard rules for you so here they are…
1.Don’t touch the board only if the teacher tells you if you could.
2.At greeting no sitting under it.
3.Ask the teacher before using it.

HI Mrs. B
I think some rules should be
1. NO markers from the white board on the SMARTBoard.
2. No making any messages on the SMARTBoard.
3.NOOOO sitting under it
4.Try not to trip on any wires
And I hope we play a BUNCH of games on it like math games, and Social Studies, And a bunch of school games.And maybe some F.U.N Friday games.

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