Technically Invisible

Who….. ME??????

Recently I was contacted by the website, to be one of their 7 guest teacher authors this summer.  I immediately accepted their invitation… My soon-to-be article will be featured on their site July 5th. So needless to say, I’m getting ready to wow them with my wit, wisdom, and wishes on the subject of parent/teacher relationships.  Hmmmm……

Let’s just say that my self-confidence is waning.   I have always been proud of the relationships I’ve built with my students and their families.  But, am I able to find some way to write an article, sharing my passion on the subject?  That’s a tall order for a shy girl!

So, I’m turning to all of you! Ha-ha – here you were thinking that you’d just get to check out my article in July…..  Nope!

If you have a minute, think about this past year…  What is it about our parent-teacher connection that has been effective, easy, energizing, essential, elusive? If you are brave and willing, either leave a comment on the blog, drop me a note, or send along an email telling me about what you think.

I think it’s challenging to write an article about a two-way relationship when I am writing solely from my own perspective. Your opinions are, and will always be, valuable to me!  Thank YOU!!!


🙂 If you get a minute, please respond to our end-of-year-survey online. I’ve had 5 so far! Thank you!!!

🙂 Friday is our trip to Aptucxet. We have enough drivers, thank you SO much!  Please pack a lunch and dress for the weather.  If you haven’t already, send along the $2.00 fee.  Our next trip is free!!

🙂 Please join us in the classroom on Friday, June 17th at 2:00 for a celebration and a few surprises…  This could possibly be the bestest 90 minutes you spend in the classroom this year!  Can’t wait to see you!!

🙂 June 15 is Field Day. Keep your eyes peeled for details concerning our schedule and lunches!

Smile Wide,
Mrs. Brooks

Hmmmmmmmm……. what SchoolHouse Rocks video should I choose this week?????  Ask your kids why I switched to THIS video!:

4 thoughts on “Who….. ME??????

  1. Ms. Sawyer

    Congratulations!! This is very exciting news! I am sure that you will have many fabulous, inspiring things to say. Can’t wait to read it!

    Your Friend,

    Ms. Sawyer 🙂

  2. 8

    Mrs. Brooks,

    I just got done figuring out how Paul Revere died. It’ll be in my speech so here

    ” Oh! you startled me,allow me to introduce myself I am Paul Revere. I was born on New Years Eve, 1735. I lived in the North Part of Boston, on Fish Street to be precise. Even as a boy I was a young leader. My mother’s name was Deborah and my father’s name was Paul also. I was the eighth out of 9 children. I had 1 older sister named Deborah like my mother. My Aunt and Uncle had nine children wasn’t a big family, some families had TWELVE children! At age eight I knew the whole alphabet and could read small sentences. As a boy my father was called Apollos Rivoire. Speaking of him he was born in Europe really. At 13 years old I left school to learn how to be a silversmith. I was the best silversmith in Boston in my twenties. I was also the best horseback rider in Boston in my teens.My whole neiborhood relied on me and some of my friends since we were Bellringers.

    But the thing that everyone knows me for is my midnight ride of the night of the eighteenth of April in 1775. I asked my friend Unum to hang 1 lantern if the the redcoats were coming by land and 2 if they were coming by lake in the Old North Church. And I awaited on the other side of the lake. And that’s how I got my well known saying “1 if by land, 2 if by sea and I on the opposite side will be” When I saw 1 or 2 I’d race to John Hancock & Samuel Adams houses and warn their families since they both got arrested by general Gage. A lot of people don’t know this but my beautiful horses name was Brown Beauty. My tragic ending was in 1818 when I died of natural causes. Okay it was nice to meet you but I need to go clean Brown Beauty, bye.

    Write back soon Mrs. Brooks see you tomorrow.

  3. Mrs. Brooks

    Grant, I can see you made some changes to your speech and I think it’s super. My last (I promise!) suggestion is that you talk about the end of your life (thankfully, it wasn’t all that tragic) and then, as part of your closing, you can say something to the effect of – — well, Brown Beauty here is ready for another ride, I must leave you — or something similar.

    I love the language and wording you use in your speech – I can hear your voice in your writing. Is there any mention of the amazing BELL you made? hmmmmmm????? You can sneak that in somewhere if you like.

    You’ve worked very hard, and I can’t wait to hear your speech and see you perform. Congratulations!!!

    Mrs. Brooks

  4. brianna

    Dear Mrs.Brooks,
    I don’t wont to leave you.I would miss your smile when I am in 4 grade I will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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