Technically Invisible

WOW! What a Wonderful Week!!

This week was amazing, and there are so many things to share, that I’ll need a few hours just to put this post together -it’s going to be a long one!!  So, grab yourself a cup of hot chocolate, wrap up in a blanket, and enjoy!

Tuesday we headed to Coonamessett Farm for the afternoon to learn about food chains and webs, plants, and about a local Falmouth business!  We enjoyed lunch in the pavilion, and then toured the facility, learning along the way.  I’ve uploaded all the photos to our Shutterfly Share site (email me if you don’t remember all the secrets to get there) but here are a few.


Thursday I headed to Gillette Stadium for an exciting day.  I received my MassCUE Pathfinder award, presented a workshop with Mrs. Lewis in one of the luxury boxes and then was able to watch Ms. Sawyer and Mrs. Langmead’s presentation as well.  The rest of the day was filled with great presentations, speakers and learning!  Mr. Brooks was able to come along, as well as Mrs. Noonan.  It was awesome – from start to finish.

right after receiving the Pathfinder Award

With Mr. Brooks in one of the "classrooms" where I presented.

Four Falmouth Teachers 🙂

When I arrived back in the classroom in the morning, I was treated to a pile of heartfelt cards and letters, written by all 23 students. They made me cry!  Thank you for putting such great effort into those cards, my friends. I will treasure them always. Some of the quotes:

“I have to admit, you are really good with technology.”

“Did you show them SmartMoves? Did they do well?”

“I am really, really, really, REALLY lucky to have a teacher that earned such a great award.”

“I am super prod to be your student this year… It is an honor to call you my teacher. Keep up the technology!”

“I bet you worked really hard for this, you rock as a teacher.”

“I wish I could be there to see the reakion on your face when you receive your award.”

and finally…..  “We all love you like a teacher.”

Friday’s mail delivery brought this Mobi View…  eInstruction sent it to me for use in my classroom and presentations.  It will be fun finding out how versatile this tool is!!

It is like a fancy, wireless Bamboo!

Also on Friday, we enjoyed an Arts Alive! lesson from Mrs. Saganic – keep your eyes peeled here on the blog for a new article about that soon, as well – what a fun afternoon, and students certainly gained an appreciation for Michaelangelo and his 4 years spent painting the Sistine Chapel while on his back. Ouch!!

A sneak-peek at the Michaelangeloish Artwork in Room 204!

Student behavior in our classroom was fabulous – and made me feel all “warm and fuzzy” inside.  After seeing our Warm Fuzzy jar – wouldn’t you feel the same way??  Thank you, Room 204, for a wonderfully amazing week of learning!

15 Warm Fuzzies!!

Tuesday is an Early Release day for parent/teacher conferences. I am seeing most of you Tuesday in 20-minute increments.  I guarantee the time will FLY BY, so be sure to arrive on time and be ready for me to kick you out nicely at the end.

If we are not meeting tomorrow, let me know what days and times work for you so we can get together!!

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

4 thoughts on “WOW! What a Wonderful Week!!

  1. Sara Zakar

    Hey Suzy,
    I was at your presentation at the Mass Cue conference. I really enjoyed everything that you presented. I am the one who won the smart moves dvd. I love it and used it with my kids the next day, so thank you! Just wanted to say thank you and to let you know about my blog. Check it out! I will be adding your blog to my favorites. I envy how great you are with integrating technology! I will be following you because of all your wonderful ideas! Hope you enjoy my blog!
    Sara Zakar
    1st Grade Teacher
    Shrewsbury Public Schools

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Thank you so much for reaching out to say hello – your kind words made me smile. Your blog is adorable, with tons of great ideas. I hope you and your class enjoy SmartMoves this year and I’m so glad you were able to win the DVD :). Thanks for coming to my presentation and I hope you had a great day at MassCUE!!
      Dream Big,

  2. Paige

    Dear Mrs. Brooks I love your post about Coonamesat Farm. I had a lot of fun there. It was my first time going, I wish we could go Paige

  3. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Paige – I’m so glad you had a nice trip to the farm – what a neat place it is to visit! We don’t get to go every year – so you are all so lucky! You’ll have to go back with your family someday!

    Mrs. Brooks

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