This year in Falmouth, we are incorporating a new facet to our writing program in the elementary grades. Empowering Writers provides structure and inspiration when it comes to writing narrative and expository pieces.
204 students have spent considerable time writing in ways that make their writing worth reading. Whether it is crafting an opening that “hooks” the reader, or developing characters and settings in a way that keep your reader engaged, we are developing our skills in amazing ways!
During our year, we spend time writing personal experience narratives, opinion papers, expository pieces, poetry and research reports. I love that we have a room full of enthusiastic authors, and can’t wait to see where the year takes us.
So, as we put Once Upon a Time and The End behind us, watch and see how our skills and strategies evolve. Through reflection and revision, we will see vast improvement in Grade Three!
Conferences are not coming up until the beginning of December. If you need to schedule one before then, please let me know and we’ll figure out a time to get together.
Watch out for a notice about our upcoming Cranberry Day. We will be looking for some supplies, donations and volunteers if you are interested!
Smile Wide,