Technically Invisible

You Are Reading!!!!

I stopped by the Scholastic Summer Reading site and found out two really awesome pieces of information:

So far, my class has logged a total of 1,930 minutes! I think that’s awesome!!!  My guess? I bet a bunch of you are reading, but just haven’t logged your minutes.  It’s not too late!!!!  Check out our friends who are working towards our goal:

I also found where the total minutes are listed for Mullen-Hall School – 79,795 minutes!!  There must be a whole lot of reading going on at Falmouth beaches!!

If you lost your username or password, let me know and I’ll help you log in.  Most importantly? Keep reading!  Whether you are logging your minutes or not, it is SO important to keep your brain muscles strong for all the hard work you’ll be doing in September!!

12 thoughts on “You Are Reading!!!!

  1. Mrs. Heather/ #17

    Kyle has this great love for reading now! Haven’t seen him with a DS in his hand in quite a while. This Percy Jackson series (Rick Riordan) has got him hooked! He really has been reading like a champ! 45 minutes here an hour there…sometimes more! I am a happy parent!! 🙂

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Mrs. Heather!

      I’m so glad he’s enjoying his books – that’s such a gift. I said to them all year — “If someone told me I could sit down for a half an hour and just read and no one would interrupt me? I would be SO happy!”. What a great thing to hear, thanks for sharing!!

      Miss you both!
      Mrs. Brooks

      1. Mrs. Heather/ #17

        Suzy, I think it was the day when I asked you in front of him if Superfudge was a book that he could read…RIght before book talks started. I think the combo of you and I got him into it! And…a little help from Matther who HAD to read a book a month (and thensome) for Lynne Buscher. FOr that I thank you! 🙂
        It samazing to see how many minutes he has read! This gives great incentive every week to read more and “beat” his minutes every week…Its like a game now!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Isabelle!!
      My July is VERY busy, but my August won’t be very busy at all. We’ve been to the beach, I’ve been teaching (one online course and one course at Harvard) and we’re getting ready to go on vacation to the Berkshires in a week or so.

      What have you been up to? Are you reading anything good? Are you excited about Morse Pond??

      I’m so glad you stopped by to say hello!! Miss you and have a great weekend!!!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Brianna and Jonathan – I hope that the fair is fun for both of you! Kendyl went to the fair when she was only one, and Carson has never been before. Perhaps next year, ha ha ha – my poor, poor children :).

    Thanks for the note!!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  3. brianna

    HI Mrs.Brooks, I’m having a great summer I’m going camping with Leah!How is your summer?The white river rafting looks fun!I’ve went to the beach alot this summer!Camp ended on friday we went to good will park I had fun playing with my friends in the water!Casey and Ken were there!We had a contest to see how could build the best sand sculptures.

    I had alot of fun this summer hope you had a fun summer too.

    Love, Brianna

  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Miss Brianna!

    I’m so glad you are enjoying your summer – camping is something I did every year when I was young. You and Leah will have a blast, I’m sure. My summer has been a really good one. I’ve heard that there was lots of fun going on at camp this summer – I’m so glad that so many friends from Room 309 were able to hang out together!

    What type of sand sculpture did you make?

    I will see you in the hallways, soon!!!! Enjoy the last days of your summer vacation.

    Mrs. Brooks

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